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Roleplay praise.

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Things I gotta say. [27 Oct 2012|12:20am]

So. You were one of the people to respond to my ads and while it doesn't appear that most of the other lines will progress? There's this one. You made the trepidation that I had about even placing an ad just, worth it. We're exactly one scene into this storyline (That's already at very nearly 50 replies and will likely extend past it.) and it is amazing. There's detail and intensity and all of it. I seriously am swearing that this line by far makes me the happiest girl to come on and reply to. I seriously get excited seeing your name in my inbox and I hope you know? YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO FORSAKE ME, EITHER. Okay, I just wanted to post something like this. I rarely do these sorts of things because I feel that they're kind of silly but ugh. I adore you and your boy so much.

And I'm looking forward to scenes where they might even do cute things. I somehow have this picture of them curling up on a couch, reading a book together or something sappy like that down the line. You know. When the mind-numbing hot of this scene isn't killing me to death.

But seriously, you. are. amazing. Thank you for biting - no pun intended! ;) - I am so happy you did! ♥♥♥

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bowing out! [27 Oct 2012|04:17pm]
[info]biography & [info]glamourise
before i go! )
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