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[17 Oct 2012|12:17am]
[ mood | grateful ]

Dear [info]bellalucentia,

You are amazing! I don't say it nearly often enough and this post is five years in coming! Yes, it's been five years of awesome and I'm so thankful to have you in my life.

Let me start with how awesome you are rp wise. From the moment you joined my game all those years ago we just clicked and our characters just had instant chemistry whether they be just friends, lovers, or enemies and they still do to this day no matter what characters we are playing. Writing with you is easy and fun and undemanding and I love how we can just pick up where we left something off no matter how long it's been. Not only are our are characters awesome together, but we think alike and always have the same ideas on where to take them and the plot. So much chemistry. And so much love for you. Let's write together always.

Now let me talk about how awesome a friend you are. You're always there for me and like a true friend, it doesn't matter how much time has passed, be it a day or several months, we always pick back up as if no time as past at all and that is a rare and beautiful thing. Just like your are rare beautiful. Let's grow old together and I mean that is the non-creepiest way possible.

Let's rule the world! You and me. Anyday. That's the plan!

Now have some gif spam to show how awesome you are. )

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This is way, way overdue. [17 Oct 2012|01:37pm]
Dearest [info]arielle,

I don't normally do these things enough, probably because I get long winded and I say the same thing about a million times over. I was thinking about this the other day and how after nearly two years, I haven't appropriately conveyed my gratitude for you and our line. I know I've said it a few times here and there, but let me break it down for you. You saved rp for me. I really disliked everything about it, and then you and Florida Barbie come into my life and change the game completely. I know I've told you this before, I never liked Arielle Kebbel. You can partially blame rp, and you can partially blame the once Jared Padalecki fangirl in me. So when Arielle and Mark began to talk, it didn't really bother me because I don't like bringing my OOC dislike for a celebrity into a game. I didn't expect anything to come out of it. In fact, I didn't think that I'd play Mark for very long. I had no intentions on sticking around, I just wanted to give it a shot. And here I am, two years later. They took me by complete surprise. They fit so well together, and even through their downs they're still amazing to write. Like I said just the other day, there's something so different about the way that they are now compared to what it was a year ago. I've always enjoyed writing them, but lately it's just this big, giant breath of fresh air. You helped me gain my voice back for him when I really thought it was dead. Rather than just say, "Okay, fine." you did what nobody else has ever done for me and said, "What can I do to help you?" I love you so much for that, because not only did you help me find my footing with Mark, but you truly have helped me to love this man again like I once did. Sure, he does stupid shit on the field that as a football fan (I'M NOT EVEN A JETS FAN GO FIGURE) burns me but even the quarterback for my own team has me in curse filled rants on Sundays (and the occasional Monday & Thursday night)! But I adore him as a person, and if it weren't for you, I'd be right along with all of his haters.

Thank you for nearly two years of Sanchebbel and their crazy, crazy life together. I love it so much, and I hope that in another two years, I can continue to say the same thing that I'm saying now.

Love love love love,
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