Roleplay praise.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay praise.

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[30 Sep 2012|06:56pm]
dear [info]hillies,

i can't even begin to express how much i utterly adore all of you. i mean it. when i first joined you all with aislinn, we were just becoming campus and i had aislinn as an overeager freshman in 2009. and now as he starts completing his senior year, i am feeling something with him that i haven't felt in the past three and a half years that i have played him. i feel content and happy with him. and so, i am taking that as my sign to let well enough be and hang him up for good. but there is no way in hell that i can leave you all with a flimsy goodbye post and running of the removal button. so, here goes my weak attempt at praising all of the wonderful characters and writers i have met and had the pleasure of interacting with. since i don't wanna miss anyone by trying to start from 2009 and work forward, i'm just going in order of what i can freaking remember. before i go on, though, there is an important piece of praise i need to give out first. )
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