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[11 Sep 2012|11:16pm]

I just wanted you to know that [info]youareamazing! )

[11 Sep 2012|11:22pm]
deeeeear [info]levnadam,

I'm kind of afraid to write this because I don't want to make you feel awkward or like I'm calling you out or something, but I just have a lot of FEELINGS and I need to PUT THEM SOMEWHERE. So please excuse me while I dote all over you for a few minutes, okay? Okay.

I just. Okay. I've been playing Lea for a long time. I'm not gonna say how long because that would probably make you side-eye at me, but let's just say a really really long time and long enough to know that most Leas out there are kind of.............. well. I'll let you fill that blank. But a lot of people just don't like playing with Lea these days.

It's been 7 months since I decided to throw out a line and put a post up in RPS and try to work up some kind of unconventional line for my gal, and on a complete and utter whim I asked for an Adam and you were the only person to respond. Up until this point I hadn't had any luck with PSLs, and was a tiny bit nervous about being the one to instigate one when I didn't even know what I was looking for. But you were so cool and open to the idea of just winging it and going with the flow, and from day one it's been a complete and utter cake walk with our little duo.

They mesh well, they're hilarious together, and not to toot my own horn or anything, but we have amazing writing chemistry. I also can't even deal with the random coincidences that crop up in real life that make it easy to find common ground for these two. It's just so PERFECT.

There are still so many avenues to explore with them, and we're still right smack in the middle of the awesomeness, and I just can't get over the fact that you're making this so much fun for me. I've been through the ringer lately, both in my real life and in this lovely world of RP, so to know that I have our line and our fun little universe to play in when everything else is frustrating, it really makes me feel good.

I am also tremendously appreciative of your OOC conduct. You're patient, you don't get all pissed off if I take a few days to get a response to you from time to time, you're consistent with your writing, and you and I are on the same page about ALWAYS WANTING TO FINISH A SCENE, NO MATTER HOW LONG IT TAKES. I love it. Love it love it LOVE IT. You're the best, and I really hope that whoever else you write with realizes how awesome you are.

Okay, I suppose I'll stop now. JUST KNOW THAT YOU ARE AMAAAAZINGGGG.
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