Roleplay praise.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay praise.

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Just something I decided to write [02 Sep 2012|02:24pm]

You probably won't ever see this but I had to write it anyway.

We haven't written together in a long time. The last thing I see in my journal was from November 2011 so I'm guessing that is the last time we played together. But, I was rereading old aim logs and scenes and going back to when we first started writing Carrie and Mike together back in 2010. And I realized that these two were hilarious, entertaining and just adorable. You were an amazing Carrie and I loved playing Mike with you. It was my first time playing him and it was awesome to have someone like you to write with when I was still trying to figure him out.

I miss these two and I know we've gone our seperate ways but I want you to know that I still think about these two all the time. And OOC, I still think about you a lot. I hope you're doing well.

Let's talk soon?

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