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Roleplay praise.

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[23 Aug 2012|04:33am]
Dearest [info]blakets,

Pretty sure in a past life you were A) either my husband B) my life partner or C) I was your husband or wife. We just click and are one in the same. First off I would have never thought that writing Blake and Jessica was something that would ever happen for many reasons. One of them being that someone that we both now can not stand, told me that you were bad news and I should never talk or write with you.

After snapping out of that stupid controlled moment we just randomly started having Blake and Jessica talk. Well more like belittle each other and talk so much crap! I seriously, and still til this day, laugh so hard when they start in on each other. They are probably my most favorite celebrity couple that I have had. They are so mean to each other, yet they love each other.

If I hadn't gone against what one dumb person said, I would have never met you and I would have never had this SL. granted its a PSL and we just play it whenever one of us is bored or something, its always there. IC or OOC you always keep me laughing, which is one thing I need. I'm told on an everyday basis that it will help keep be optimistic and my spirits up.

I love these two and their fat little baby LOL so that is why [info]youareamazing
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