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[12 Aug 2012|12:37am]
Dear [info]josh,

It always sucks when communities close and everyone is forced to go their separate ways and find new homes. I can tell you right now that what I'm going to miss the most is you. Your Josh is so spot on perfect. He's such a friendly person from the get go. Selena adored him and she always will, even if the adoration is from afar. From his silly moments and gif spams, to his heartfelt moments and great updates, he was always incredible. <3
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[12 Aug 2012|04:19pm]
My dearest [info]emnewmanross,

Every now and then I have to come over here and let you know that [info]youareamazing. With the birthday of their children just around the corner, now seems as good a time as any. I have loved this line since day is truly epic and so much fun to play. Every time I think there is nothing else we can throw their way, you come up with something new, because YOU ARE THE MOST AWESOME AND CREATIVE WRITING PARTNER EVER. Nothing is off limits to you, because you are just that amazing and wonderful. Almost two years in and I don't think I will ever get bored with this line...because we don't do boring!

Here's to more years to come!

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