Roleplay praise.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay praise.

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[18 Jul 2012|09:23am]
A year ago today, I thought it would be a FANTASTIC idea to pick up a character that I only played in PSLs, despite the fact that I was scared out of my mind that he would fall flat on his face. But despite the initial fear, Joey Richter was brought to [info]biography with the high hopes that he would flourish…or at least go out in a flame of glory. However, that flame’s pretty much held pretty damn strong and a year later, I’m writing one of these up to tell all the people of [info]biography that you are all, in fact, pretty ridiculously amazing. Honestly, it doesn’t get much better than you. You embraced a lesser known character and now? Now you’re stuck with him. So, onto the individual praises!

We're soup snakes, you and, soulmates. SOULMATES. I can't read my own handwriting )
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[18 Jul 2012|10:13am]

I just have to say that [info]biography is by far my favorite community that I have ever been in and being back made me question why I ever left the first time around to begin with (although I was sort of inactive so I guess the first time doesn't even really count.) RP hasn't been this fun for me in a while, so thanks to those of you who've made this community what it is and have made my time there, thus far, fun.


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