Roleplay praise.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay praise.

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[13 Jul 2012|10:27pm]
I'm having serious nostalgia pains for her, so I'm here to drop some extremely delayed praise to some lovely people from [info]agency! I have no idea if anyone will ever read this, but it's worth a shot. I started playing Cadie during a time where I was really not able to keep up with games, nor was I even the most willing to roleplay on a regular basis, but she turned out to be one of my favourite characters. Anyone that ever spoke to her deserves some credit because she was so ridiculous sometimes, but it was so wonderful getting her to interact with a few people, at the very least. So without further ado, some specific, alphabetical praise!

praise from ~selwick! )

Also, because I didn't get a chance to do this for [info]nyleve, two very specific shout-outs:

praise from ~nyleve! )
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