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[01 Jul 2012|01:18pm]
Being a full time student with a full time job and someone who is terrible at threading, I took a chance playing an established character in the world of fandom this past fall. I had tried so many times to house different characters (celeb and pb) in different communities and psls and nothing was clicking. I saw a couple ads on rps for people looking for Glee inspired psls, as well as looking to start games, and I thought, "What the hell. Let's give it a try." Since taking on Blaine Anderson there has been some great times, a few bumps in the road and even a few tears. But for all the ups and downs (almost all ups!) the people at [info]prinfiggins have never ceased to amaze me. The writers involved at this Glee fandom game are all just amazing. I have never come across more welcoming and accepting people. There is no pretense, no judgemental b.s. - just a group of people who love writing. And now, on to the kudos )
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[01 Jul 2012|03:02pm]
[info]xklutzyx You are amazing!

It's your birthday today and we've known each other for four years now this month, so it seemed a good time to tell you how awesome you are! You write the most amazing characters and I have to restrain myself all the time from being selfish and demanding Allll The Interactions with you ever! Every character you nail just perfectly, and you're a talented writer who brings out the best in everyone else.

And more than that, you're an amazing person. For four years you've been this supportive friend to me, so skilled at calming me down when I'm upset and making me laugh when I've needed it. You're one of the most genuinely nice people I have ever met. You've enabled me to some of the best fandoms and characters and I think I'm a better writer from having played with you and a better person for having you as my friend.

So you are truly amazing, and happy birthday!
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