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Roleplay praise.

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[15 Jun 2012|07:46pm]
dear [info]webbmatt

I know that we don't use these journals for anything really (though I sort of wish we did) but they're good enough to use for this entry I'm writing right now. So. It's been six months. Six months since I decided to contact you and ask you if you'd be interested in writing a storyline with me. Not just any storyline, but this random one that kept on eating away at my brain. We had been friends for years and talked on and off, so I figured when I found out you liked the band too it would be worth a shot. I am so happy every day of my life that I decided to ask you to write with me.

You know how people have soulmates? I feel like we are storyline soulmates. That sounds so cheesy, but it's true. I've been writing fiction and roleplaying since I was around fifteen years old, verging close to ten years now (whoa, ridiculous) and I've had a bunch of storyline partners. They've all been great and they've come and gone, different plots and characters and so forth but they never really stuck or held my attention for too long. Usually different ideas or things fading away into boring lines that I just eventually got nothing out of. I feel like that just...can't happen with us. You push me every day to be a better writer and I have all these crazy ideas that swim around in my head constantly for them. They're perfect. The line is perfect. You're perfect.

The way you write is so captivating and I never had a storyline partner that involved so much depth inside their character. Each person has a million sides to them and I feel as though you capture each one of his perfectly, that you write him flawlessly. The amount of ups and downs we have in the line can rival a rollercoaster, but it's perfect. I've never been so invested in writing a pairing before in my life and each day I look forward the most to writing with you. I feel as though if I skip one day without scening, there's a hole in my heart. Once again being super duper ridiculously cheesy, but I mean it.

I am so happy that we've been able to share these past six months together with this crazy storyline. Never would I have imagined it to turn out the way that it has, each day leaving me wanting to write more than the next if it's even possible. I love the two of them and you so very much. Thank you for being awesome and wonderful and the perfect storyline partner ever. [info]youareamazing!

love, [info]ramsayjosh!

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