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Hey [info]immersed.... [13 Jun 2012|12:06am]

Dear [info]immersed:

You've been my home since November, and I can honestly say that there hasn't been a better fit for this Adam, than in your comm. Everyone at [info]immersed are so friendly and active, and welcomed him right away into the comm. I know that it took me a little bit to come around with him, but right now, there's no place that I'd rather house him, than with you guys. Hats off to the mod team, who do an AMAZING job with keeping the place running smoothly!

Now for some individual praise....bear with me, this could get long and wordy. :-x

First off.... [info]jennilawr - I remember when Jennifer commented Adam back, after he commented his intro post. She commented him back with, "your icon is freaky", or something to that effect, and I remember at first, I didn't know how to take it. I'm so glad that our kids talked, though, and are now best friends. Adam doesn't know what he'd do without Jenn, and that's all thanks to you. ♥

Next.... [info]shaiwoodly - I don't even remember how Adam & Shai started talking, but I'm so glad that they did. I love how they can talk to each other about anything and confide in one another like they do. It's a beautiful thing, and I'm beyond thrilled that Adam has a friend that he can share with, like he shares with Shailene. Thank you for being an amazing person to write with! ♥

Now for.... [info]grneashmi - I love how these two won Most Unlikely Friends in the community awards! You know what, though? I'm so glad that they are friends! It's so cool how they just started talking out of the blue, and things just clicked like they did. I'm so thankful that Ashley IM-ed Adam first, because they have such an amazing friendship with each other, and I'm so glad that your Ashley adores Adam. He adores her too. SO much (as does Reeve). Thank YOU. ♥

Last, but certainly not least.... [info]saulikskinen - where do I start? I COULD start by saying thank you for choosing the comm as a home for Sauli, but I'm not sure that thank you would be enough. Your Sauli has brought my Adam alive, and I'm extremely elated that we clicked as well as we did, for our kids to be as in love with each other as they are. I just wish I could find the proper words to thank you for that. Adam loves Sauli with all of his heart, and it's thanks to you and your portrayal. Thank you for being such a great SL partner! ♥

I know there are a bunch of other people that Adam has talked to in comments, such as [info]accandice, [info]autumnt, [info]chantate, [info]j_hutch, [info]katewinst, [info]katypry, [info]klexib, [info]lucehalek, [info]orrantiahayley, [info]rosesiem, [info]sjosephian, [info]ylleknoskralc, and [info]zachgilford, and I want to thank you all so much. I hope that eventually, Adam gets to talk to EVERY person in the community, and I want the ENTIRE community to know how much I love EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!

To this, I say, [info]immersed, [info]youareamazing!

[info]lambertadamitch / [info]r_carney

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