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Roleplay praise.

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[info]vandervoort, you are amazing [02 Apr 2012|11:23pm]
I know this is quite delayed but I've been meaning to do this for while. But you are so wonderful that it was hard to even let these two go. I don't think I could've picked someone better for Kellan. I picked him back up when I wasn't really sure on his voice, wasn't really sure if I'd stick around and someone you'd revived this love for him in me because of who Laura was to him. Seriously. She just matched him perfectly with his love for adventure and his love of animals and photography. It was just perfection. I hope you know how much I still miss them and how much fun you were to write with. This is clearly not going to be enough of a description of how much I adore you and how much this guy adored your girl, but I figured I would try my best.
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