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[18 Mar 2012|06:54pm]
Dear [info]bbell:

When we first started talking about doing a line together, I had no IDEA how well we'd click. I knew that you liked Brad, and me, being "Team Bradam" as well - it just made perfect sense to have a Brad & Adam line. The love that our kids share, is exactly how I pictured Brad & Adam's relationship back when they were a couple - except, with a little more discretion now, given Adam's fame. Getting to know you OOC also has been a great experience. It's almost like we were meant to have this line together, and become friends because of it.

The way that you write Brad - it's like I can picture him saying everything that comes out of your Brad's mouth. It's almost as if you are inside of his brain. When I'm reading his journal entries, I can picture Brad writing every word, pondering each and every thought carefully before putting it into words. I've played with a few Brad's, but none of them "get" him like you do. You make everything about this line, an enjoyable experience. Thank you for that. :)

I guess what I'm trying to say is....[info]youareamazing in every sense of the word! Thank you for being a wonderful storyline partner - but even moreso, thank you for being a friend. Happy (few hours early) birthday - here's to many more good times between Adam & Brad!

Always, [info]admitchlambert
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