Roleplay praise.'s Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Roleplay praise.

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[06 Mar 2012|01:06am]

I haven't done one of these posts in a while and, well, the motivation has hit. So, suck it up, darlings! Each and every one of y'all are amazing, and I wouldn't be as happy as I am on this server if it wasn't for you guys. I should totally be in bed, being it is 1:00am, but I'm going to try and finish this up.

Y'all are some of my longest standing slps and sometimes it is really crazy how long it actually has been. At the longest, I've been in games with a few of you for like, five years? Six years? We've seen good times and bad, and even when those times had me pointed as the bad guy, I'm glad you've let me back in and, in turn, provided me with some of the most enlightening moments of my time on this server.

For those that are far newer than others, I seriously wouldn't have come back if it wasn't for you guys, and I'm glad I found another group I simple clicked with, even if it took some time to get past the intimidation of being the new kid in class.

individiual praises, in no particular order )

All in all, y'all are amazing!

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