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Roleplay praise.

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[26 Feb 2012|02:32am]
[info]avengival - You are truly amazing. You play Avril so well and it's at the point where whenever I see Avril, I always think of yours. I never thought Zac would first find a best friend over 5 years ago in Avril. Now they're in love after finally admitting their feelings for each other and it's awesome to have such a realistic line like the one that we have. They have many inside jokes, a million memories, and have what it takes to have a great future. Going into the world of rping, I never knew I'd have a character who could clique so well with someone and have their relationship stand the testaments of time. In this day and age, so many people come and go in communities. It's very rare to have a line like we do. So here's to cows, aliens, sheep herding, painting the town red, living under the sears, a bright future, and everything else inbetween. Thank you for being amazing.
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