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Roleplay praise.

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Hey, [info]biography you're [info]youareamazing [08 Jan 2010|10:13am]

You're the one for me baby this I know... )
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[info]priceline in general, even though this reads like an ode to Danneel's boys. [08 Jan 2010|01:06pm]
This is going to seem like the most random thing in the world, I know, but I've been saving it up forever and just now had time to sit down and write it all. So to all of those I've loved before (aka, [info]priceline), this one is definitely for you.

I don't know how long this will get, but I'll save the spamminess anyway, just in case! )
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come and get some love from mama, [info]chaostheory_rpg [08 Jan 2010|01:12pm]
[info]chaostheory_rpg, [info]youareamazing

you make me wanna shout! )
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