Sep. 18th, 2007


Just a quick note ~

This place now has something resembling a tag list - by genre and pairing - created in the hopes of making the comm easy to navigate for readers. To make things a bit clearer I've also changed the layout a bit, so the tag list should now be visible on the right. In the case of pairings, I've used the original names only rather than both, mostly to keep things simple and neat.
I'm still finding my feet on IJ, so if any one of you kind souls could tell me how to check/change whether comm members can create new tags or not, I would be really grateful. I know how to do it on LJ, but I don't quite know my way around here yet :/

If I've made any glaring omissions in the tags let me know, and I'll add new ones to the list.

Anyway, happy ficcing :)

ETA: As you were. Technical difficulties. I don't know; keep writing anyway :)