Year of Paradox: A Torchwood & Doctor Who rpg set - April 8th, 2010 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Year of Paradox: A Torchwood & Doctor Who rpg set

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April 8th, 2010

[Apr. 8th, 2010|12:01 pm]


Who: Ross and Joey
Where: The Valiant
When: Sometime after Lacey and Ianto are brought on board
What: Chance First Meetings
Status: Complete

A soldier's job is not to question why )
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[Apr. 8th, 2010|07:44 pm]

Who: Luna Lovegood, OTA
What: Exploring
Where: Muggle London, close to the enterance of Diagon Alley
When: Late afternoon, close to evening
Why: She's exploring and looking for friends or anyone who might know her
Rating: PG-13
Open: Open to all

She didn't know she would end up this lonely )
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