Yami no Matsuei Fan Community

December 12th, 2008

12:54 pm - [info]p_zeitgeist - links: Fandom Overview and first two recs

As promised/threatened, from the LJ community crack_van. This is by way of being a catch-up post; I'll post future links individually as the recs go up.

Crack_van asks smaller fandoms for overviews of the fandom the first time they're featured on the community. [info]ranalore and her evil twin boniblithe did a wonderful overview back in 2004, which I link in my own supplemental overview. But since the state of the fandom has changed somewhat since then, and the images had vanished from their original overview, I thought I ought to post a supplement to it, and did so. That post, for whatever amusement value it may have, is at:


And my first two recs are at:



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