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Saturday, February 26th, 2011

    Time Event
    Hey [info]tfb!!!

    STOP HARASSING PEOPLE FOR SLASH LINES. If you can't find a partner to play against your characters in ringrats, the odds are against you because your chances are even more slim when you stalk other writers on their IC aim names. I haven't played in a public game in a couple of years now, but my best friend still does and recently, she's told me about how you've IM'ed multiple names of hers to ask the same things.

    I mean, I never was the be all/end all of rp but as an experienced gamer, here are some tips to get what you want:

    A.) Find yourself a tight-knit circle of friends (which is what this genre of rp is all about, LOL, right?!). Play a variety of things. The less unique and flexible you are as a writer, the less interest you'll pique out of others. When you've built up a desire for people to share a line with YOU, you'll get what you want, regardless of who you play. I know this as a fact.

    B.) When you stalked me back in the day, you eventually came out and said that you'll play a line I wanted in return of one for you. This is a good thing. However offer this FIRST. Not everyone writes slash anymore and a good writer who writes a serious, good slash line is hard to find. Make things mutual from the beginning. Someone who writes just for the fun of it, just so see how entertaining or exciting a line could be, will most likely accept the trade-off.

    C.) Stop being so persistent. I know you have your reasons for liking a particular pairing but not everyone will see that. Also saying this from experience because I was known to play obscure characters, there may/will come a time when you have to give up. Back in the golden era of rp, this wasn't such a big deal but these days, it is. I know it bites, but when your writing soulmate won't even fill your request, it then becomes a non-issue (btw, writing soulmate who's reading this, have you thought any more about playing against my Keibs ;* ??). I hate to say it but in current times, Primo and Carly aren't even a blip on the radar of the wrestling world. That said, maybe you should look into writing a pb line with a neat plot or maybe a really original au line where the line itself is more important than the faces. The funkiest pairing in the world can be epicly written under these circumstances.

    D.) If you find a willing writer who'll play with you, don't be so strict on who they're playing. It's awesome to have a line filled, especially one with the faces you want, but try this: "You play who you want and I'll play who I want." This puts less pressure on the line and you'll come to find how neat it is that it'll begin to write itself.

    E.) If all else fails, just play a dummy character that everyone else likes and picture it in your head that it's the pair you wanted.

    I don't mean to be a douchebag but I know you're really irritating people with the way you keep harassing them on their characters' names. I know from your point of view, you may be merely asking, but the majority of others don't see it that way. I hope you'll accept the tips I've listed here, try them out, and see what happens.

    Good luck!

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