Xtreme OOC

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Xtreme OOC



October 27th, 2010

Just When You Think Your Out .... ;)

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They pull you back in! Err in this case it's Weapon X, getting it's claws into one of my characters again. Spoiler alert: the character in question would be Vance. He got recruited by being offered a "deal", that he worked for the government and woosh criminal record goes bye bye. Of course no one mentioned that you know there's not so much choice with this whole thing ....

So he's been with them (and holding down his other part time jobs) since Sept!

October 23rd, 2010

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Scene list! I need one!

August 17th, 2010


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Hi everybody, I'm Tim, a newbie to the game. And I bring you Emma Frost, the resident Ice Queen of Xavier's institute. I don't know if you guys have had Emma around before, but just in case you have for continuity sake I'll say that she's been here for a while and is well aquainted with everyone. She's played by the beautiful Kate Winslet and will also be acting as the school's History professor. I've played Emma once before in another X-Men game and I'm stoked to play her again. Hope to get some scenes with you guys. Later. : )


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Should I put up a kidnapping/assassination attempt 2 thing, or are people still doing leading up to it stuff? I'm not impatient, I was just curious!

But I guess just let me know when everyone wants to do it...I'm guessing Warren, Tony, Betsy, Morph/Serenity are involved...I think that's it? Meanwhile Tarot and Chimera are dealing with Pyro and Copycat is doing something sinister?

I am apparently obsessing about organization today. Look at my pensive Serenity icon.

Anyone else want things?


August 9th, 2010

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Since everyone else is doing it, I succumb to peer pressure. ;) Please take a look and nudge if I'm forgetting things? I'm trying to get this into a coherent order, so feel free to shout and give suggestions!

Stuff to be done )

ducks and rows

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I have to plan how I'm going to get all the things done. I think there is everything that will be on my plate sooner or later, in rough order, so please give me feedback :D

to do )

July 20th, 2010

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As a final reminder (as much as I hate removing people) if your character has failed to keep up with activity and hasn't updated by the end of the day tomorrow they'll be removed Thursday morning (unless I've spoken to you about it and there are other circumstances).

Activity list is here.

And thank you to everyone who's been taking part in the recent plot! If you have any questions/have a place you want your character to jump in/have any plot ideas you'd like to incorporate just leave a message at the drop box and I'll answer them/get to work on incorporating your characters and ideas:)

July 11th, 2010

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Hello, all.

It's Alison! But I'm afraid I only return from hiatus to announce that I'm VERY sorry but I'll be leaving the game with immediate effect.

I'm really gutted about this. I HATE leaving games, but I have to prune and I'd rather do it now while Sue and Laurie aren't involved in anything that would affect any other character.

Thanks SO much to all of you. I've really enjoyed my time here. If anyone wants to take over either of the girls feel free to let me know and, if you want the same journals I'll transfer them over.

Once again, thanks so much, and I hope to see most of you elsewhere.


July 9th, 2010

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As a reminder please make sure you update with your characters at least once every two weeks. The activity check can be found here. If you're on hiatus don't worry about it! If you need a hiatus please leave a message in the drop box so I know that you're on hiatus and haven't just vanished.

Thanks everyone:)

July 5th, 2010

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So apologizes to everyone -- I have not been the most active person as of late. But I'm going to throw myself back into the swing of things, as I've re-found my RP-muses (I think ... :D). So if anyone wants any of mine (Kitty, Simon, Bella, Vance or Jamie) give me a poke! if I've promised you something and have not come through? Give me a smack (I deserve it).

In particular I'd like to get Jamie out there a bit more -- even a Jamie dupe! so if you have a character looking for some (random) interaction, I can provide Jamie. Or a Jamie.

June 24th, 2010


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Sorry about this, but I have to go on hiatus for a while. Mum is in hospital and with all the running round and visiting, I have very little time for much else at the moment.

She'll hopefully be out next week *fingers crossed* but until she's home, Sue and Laurie won't be around.

June 7th, 2010

Chaparone needed!

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Laurie is going to meet Sue today, and she'll be needing a chaparone since these things must be done properly.

Would anyone from the school care to accompany her? I'm thinking, if somebody wants to do this, to do it as a GDoc since both Laurie and Sue are mine. Let me know! :D

June 4th, 2010

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I give you a plot post, yo. I'm trying to get somewhat organized now that I'm off thesis-of-doom watch and before I move.

Please adopt a plot! )

June 3rd, 2010


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Trying to get some ducks in a row here: the things I know of or readily can think of off the top of my head, and of course, I'm always open for more random scening!

Plot plot plot )

June 1st, 2010


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I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend, I know I did but now I'm feeling a bit out of sorts about where I stand with all my scenes. Beneath the cut is a to do list of all my active scenes. Let me know if I'm missing anything/if anyone wants to plot/whatever else. Spammery always welcome. :)

TO DO LIST!!!!...Ish. )

May 31st, 2010

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I fail SO badly. I know I do. Stuff happens and I lose my brain. Plus, this weekend I had a friend staying and she couldn't get her laptop to work here and I couldn't be antisocial - plus I don't get to see her often so I was squeeful at having her here for Eurovision and stuff.

However, this - along with a couple of other bits - has led to me being an absentee again.

Laurie needs to go and see Sue - Laurie was actually due to go last week, if not the week before last. Still, something can be thought up to explain the delay.

Would anyone care to help me out, since I play both Laurie and Sue? Laurie will need a chaparone. I know a couple of people offered for which <3<3<3, and I'd be chuffed if anyone was still prepared to offer one of their lot.

Email me on black.narcissus [at] gmail [dot] com if you'd be so good, and we can get stuff sorted.

Thank you! And sorry again for my absence. I need cattleprods artfully applied to diverse parts of my body to remind me.

Alison xxx

May 27th, 2010

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Hey all! I just wanted to give you a heads up. I'm going on hiatus from the 28th to the 5th. I just have ... a lot of things I need to do life wise, and I think a brief break from the Internet is what is required to get them done. I'll still be around, so I'll wrap up any logs I'm in during that time. I'm not going to start anything new (unless my life manages to calm down, and I can end my hiatus early) but if you need me for something, just drop me a line via e-mail.


x-posted (sorry)

May 26th, 2010

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Figured I'd put forth another meme, especially as we've got new muns and new chars! This is a nice quick one. And you never know, the answer to this one could get some scenes if there's a shared interest.

Describe one or more hobbies your char engages in. What is it, how did they get interested/started in it, and give us any other details you'd like to share!

May 24th, 2010

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Hi, this is Michelle, I'd like to join the "I have no self-control with characters" club.

This is Thor. Well, Dr. D. Erik Blake, Captain in the USAF, who has a certain Norse god hanging around in the back of his head: Thor happily comments on life in general, and takes control of the body at will to be all superhero-y. Erik, unfortunately, thinks he's going crazy, what with the voices in his head and the possession.

At the moment, he's doing his thing as a doctor in the Air Force - does SHIELD or Weapon X need a guy who's a physical doctor rather than a shrink, maybe? - and praying really hard that no one finds out he's slightly nuts. (Needless to say, Thor has other ideas. Oops.)

He's based primarily in New York, but he could conceivably make trips to various places for general heroics/hanging out a bar!


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I clearly have a problem, but here is probably my last character (I say now), The Host, who is a student at school...or will be come fall. Not much point in her starting classes now, is there? But she pretty much just showed up, oh, today!

She's a little rabblerouser, a real activist in training, and she is going to be using her time at Xavier's to get stronger so she can go out and change the world! With bouts of 'why does no one understand me :(?' teenage angst thrown in. Good times. Her powers, if you are unfamiliar, are to communicate with and control germs/virus/bacteria, with a dash of super strength and robustness thrown in. She wants to take out Logan is sort of her new personal goal, but since that'd be boring for me, other people to interact with would be great!


Also, scenes for other characters? I'll be moving next week (just across town), so I might be a bit slow, but setting up an order of scenes is fine. Characters are: Pyro, Rhodey, the Host, Siryn, Wolverine, Lyman and Morph.

Scenes that are on plate:
-Logan/Black Tom
-after party thread
-Morph/Copycat GDOC
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