Ties that Bind

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Thursday, February 26th, 2015
7:22 pm - Needing to vent

It's been two days into my suspension and so far,the only place I 'm allowed to go besides the apartment is the firm. Today I was supposed to be helping file or whatever, but instead I was taking a break while Lilah was busy. I wandered around her office floor for about twenty minutes before going to find Lindsey.

It took some looking, but I finally found him coming back to his office with some other lawyer guy whose name I think was Brett. "Hey Lindsey can we talk?" I asked as I came over to him. I glanced over at the guy with him. "In your office?"

current mood: bored

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Tuesday, September 4th, 2012
9:12 pm - New Trouble Arises

So, now that Lindsey and Lilah are talking again, I was reminding myself to play nice around them. It really wasn't a good idea to show up to Lindsey's drunk and just a little bit riled up, and it was a TERRIBLE idea to totally tell Lilah what I did, but what's done is done, right? Anyway, we're all moving past it like all good little kids should.

Of course, my next problem had nothing to do with them and all to do with getting into a fight at school. Of course, if the skank hadn't called me a tramp, then I wouldn't have hit her. Of course, the principal didn't see it that way and called my sister into a meeting. This was just going to go swimmingly, I'm sure.

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Monday, February 27th, 2012
9:22 pm - He tries

A week after Lindsey talked to Sydney I came home one day from work to find Lindsey at my doorstep. "Hey..Sydney said you too talked and she claims things are good now." I said as I went by him to open the door. I was tired and it had been a long day dealing with clients and trying to avoid Lindsey at least a little,because I wanted some time and space to think things over.

current mood: tired

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Thursday, December 15th, 2011
10:36 pm - What the Hell?

I knew that I had to talk to Sydney, even though I *really* didn't want to. I had to at least figure out just what she had said to Lilah. Most guys would *KILL* to have two good looking sisters into them, but right now I just wanted to find a way to solve this and not have both my girlfriend and her sister freaking out at me.

I had to wait until the right time, finding Sydney by herself while Lilah was at work. Cornering her, I asked, "What the hell did you tell your sister? She's *pissed*." Pissed didn't even cover how Lilah seemed to be feeling about this.

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Friday, July 8th, 2011
10:49 pm - She did what!?!

I'd just finished a long day at the office and dealing with Sydney's school situation. I decided to have Lindsey over for drinks and some alone time while Sydney was out clubbing. I had called and told Lindsey what time to come over and he already has a key, so I didn't have to let him in. When it got to be about seven I changed into one of his favorite lingerie outfits and waited for him in my bedroom. There is nothing that is going to ruin my nice romantic evening plans nothing..

current mood: horny

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Wednesday, July 21st, 2010
9:54 pm - I'm in Trouble...

It's the end of another work day and all I want to do is go home and relax, maybe have a drink and try to unwind while watching TV. It had been another long day at the office, but I was a little too wired from having to talk my way out of a nasty situation with a demonic princess who wanted to either marry me or eat me (my demonic languages are a bit rusty), but I managed to get out of there alive without offending anyone, which is always good.

I'm barely in the door, removing my jacket when I hear the doorbell ring. This had better be fucking important. I open the door to find an obviously inebriated Sydney on the other side, wobbling a little as she smiles at me. Damn, I know trouble when I see it, and this is going to be a lot of trouble.

"Sydney...I'm surprised to see you. Lilah know you're out this late?"

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Wednesday, May 12th, 2010
2:45 pm - I'm not *that* bad really

Okay so I've been at my new school for about a week and a half and I've spent at least two days in detention for not turning in an assignment and for talking back. Lilah doesn't know about this yet though and that's how I plan to keep it. Of course my *darling* older sis just *had* to send me to a catholic all girls school, complete with very bitchy nuns. I hate it here. Here are some of the reasons why I'd love to go to any other high school: I hate the uniforms, because they're a green and blue plaid skirts or jumpers. I also hate most of the girls here and most of all I hate that it's an all girl school! I bet Lilah's getting a real kick out of having the power to send me to this hell hole all summer.

I grabbed the bus to Lilah's work on a Monday afternoon after school, with yet another detention slip in my bag. This one I'd gotten for wearing a pair of black Jimmy Choos, to school instead of the stupid saddle shoes that are a part of the dress code, and shorting the skirt a tiny bit. I think they're dress code sucks so I told the assistant principal I was making them suck less by wearing shoes that at least made the skirt look better, and I told her that the skirt was too long so I had it shortened.

I took the elevator up to Lilah's floor and after finding that she wasn't in her office, I went down two doors to Lindsey's office. I saw he was in so I walked in without knocking, and flopped down on his sofa with my legs crossed at the ankles.

current mood: bored

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Tuesday, April 6th, 2010
5:15 pm - Meeting the Little Sis

Oh, I had been looking forward to this ever since Lilah had told me that she had a little sister. Yeah, kind of makes me an ass, but I'm dying to meet what I assume is probably a mini version of Lilah that basically got kicked out of Lilah's hometown by slowly but surely getting kicked out of every school there. Sounds kind of like Lilah, actually. So, after work, I went home, took a shower, and got ready for what was supposed to be my meeting with the mini-Lilah. If Lilah tries to back out of this now, I *might* be forced to kill her, or at least blackmail her until she lets me meet the kid.

I drove over to Lilah's apartment and, when I got upstairs, knocked on the door. Her car is in her parking spot, so I know that she's here.

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Tuesday, February 9th, 2010
10:36 pm - Need to Rant...

Sydney's been here a full night now and it's mid morning and I'm sitting in my office trying to figure out just what the hell to do with Sydney. I luckily have no actual meetings this morning, so instead of doing paperwork I decided to go see Lindsey, mainly because he's a good person to rant to and this is a perfect reason to go see him about, besides he's the closest thing I have around her for a friend. I walked into his office without bothering to knock. "I never thought I'd say this,but I hate my life."

current mood: annoyed

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Friday, December 18th, 2009
8:37 pm - New Surroundings

So, my aunt finally got sick of me. I mean, I didn't try to piss her off that much, but I guess when I tied the CPR dummy to the flag pole with a 'help me' sign taped to his chest and dressed up like the principal, the school showed how much it appreciated it by expelling me, and my aunt showed me how much she liked that by sending me to live with my sister, whom I haven't seen in like, six years, or was it eight? I lost track.

So, here I am, sitting on Lilah's doorstep, with about eight hundred bags of my stuff, ringing her bell like it's no one's business. I hope to god that she's actually, you know, here, because it would really suck if I have to sit out here and wait for her to show up and wait for eight hours because she 'got caught up at the office.'

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