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Saturday, October 10th, 2015

    Time Event
    I'M BACK WENCHES. *gives inappropriate hand gestures in the direction of her midterms*

    + REMY AND EMMA. Lori! I think we can call their last log a wrap, so the addressing of the whole "You bastard why didn't you tell me what they were doing behind my back!?" conversation can happen?
    + CECILIA AND LAURIE? Esp if Cecilia is going on a rescue mission. That may involve a conversation about a change in Laurie's schedule.
    + CECILIA AND ANYONE ELSE. Her reclusive self needs plots/someone to talk to.
    + BOBBY AND ALISON - Post breakdown, it looks like, so that's in the future.

    Naturally, if you have thoughts that aren't in the list, feel free to bring them up!

    Also, the Jean-Ororo bit was hilarious.

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