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Saturday, July 25th, 2015

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    Like the lady said, this is Monica Rambeau (Spectrum) with Cloak's powers. I've always wanted to play either Cloak or Dagger and this let me kind of do that. On top of that, having any reason to use Iman as a PB is always a good thing. Damn woman just turned 60 and she looks better than when she was a younger supermodel. ^_^

    Monica is one of the "first wave" of mutants that popped up in the U.S. in the 70's. She's considered one of the "legends" that the game timeline talks about. She stalked the shadows of New Orleans, the Southern United States, and then New York City in the 80's. That was when she met Charles and his crew. He led her to the Dagger character and helped her find a way to solve her little feeding issue so that she doesn't have to kill people constantly.

    She is responsible for recruiting students and saving them from bad, bad things (like Haven or being on the streets). It's quite possible that a handful of the people here have met her either when she went to speak to their parents or if she managed to save them from whatever bad things that happened to them. Doesn't mean she's met everyone, but if you want her to have met your character(s) at any point, let me know. She also likes to surprise people students in the halls when she sees them doing something they shouldn't be.

    So, plotses? Anyone? :D

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