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Saturday, July 18th, 2015

    Time Event
    Hello all! I will be chiming in with two characters. The first is Sofia Mantega who has Ororo Munroe's powers. She's brand new to the school and is arriving after destroying her father's store in a fit of teenage angst. Her dad's kind of a jerk. Her normally white hair is dyed brown and she's gotten used to wearing brown contacts to hide her blue eyes. Her father was a stickler for fitting in. She'll be a junior in the Fall and is super excited about coming to a mutant school.

    I also have Lila Cheney with Vanessa Carlysle's powers. She's blue, grew up in England with a group of Morlocks, found out she could not be blue, started a band, abandoned her Morlock family, got arrested after they exacted revenge on her and is showing up this summer to be the music teacher in September.

    I'd love love love plots and have a lot of character/new power combinations to memorize!
    Questions about field day:

    Do the members of all teams have to participate, or otherwise the team is disqualified? (I'm looking at you, Tabby, Bobby.)
    What sorts of challenges are there?
    * Are they timed?
    * Are they point based, or completion based?
    Who's overseeing these things anyway? (I'm looking at you, Scott. You poor bastard.)
    Are there prizes besides bragging rights?
    Why exactly are there teams anyhow and why are they doing this in the first place?
    Just saw Ant-Man. No spoilers.

    You've seen most of the good scenes in the trailers (hate that).
    The Hank/Janet story meshes well into the MCU.
    Mid- and post-credit scenes. Don't miss them.

    ETA: Would anyone be interested in playing the Dagger to my Cloak? I have an idea that I want to use. If no one is interested in Dagger's powers, that's fine. I'll just have it on the wanted list for later. I've got a big idea in my head and we can discuss it if anyone is feeling up for it.

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