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Monday, July 6th, 2015

    Time Event
    hello everyone! my name is riley and i bring everyone's favorite (maybe? maybe?) rock based dunderhead. except he's not a big lunk of rock anymore! santo vaccaro is your typical sixteen year old boy if typical sixteen year old boys have fairy wings and produce fairy dust. yeah, he's not too happy about that but he's still pretty much the same old santo, loud, obnoxious, thinks he's hilarious, feel free to poke fun at him and watch him get mad and red. it's pretty funny. he should have plots with all of the students, specifically kurt who is his roommate and whoever is on his squad and anyone else!
    HELLO WORLD. Here with my final (probably) character is Julian Keller! AKA Hellion [info]rebelrevanchist. Yes, he kept the codename. Now it comes more from the fact that he’s such a little shit-stirrer than anything else. He’s still loud, abrasive, and arrogant, but a bit less of a bully. This does not mean he’s not prone to his moments of being an asshole though. He comes equipped with tactile telekenesis, telepathy, and super intelligence so yes, he thinks he’s better than you. He just doesn’t rub it in everyone’s face quite so much. Except for crowing over the fact that he’s the Hellion of the team Hellions. He’s been at the school for roughly a year now and his birthday’s at the end of the month so he expects to party.

    Below is the TLD:DR version of my other characters, along with potential plot hooks and/or scenes. If you have ideas that I haven't mentioned, say so!

    This got a bit long, or so she said )

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