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Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

    Time Event
    prom stuffs!
    Okay, so! Since Prom just happened upon us and we steamrolled right past it, I figured it might be a good idea if we take a moment to figure out what our kids did at Prom if we don't get the chance to do any back-dated threads! This post is Mod-Tested, Mod Approved™.

    So, comment here with the name of your character in the subject line and then make a list of a) things they did and/or b) actions that require another character so people can volunteer their character for shenanigans! So, for example:
    • Vic danced his heart out.
    • Vic spiked the punch with ____________.*
    • and then he did the Hokey Pokey and turned himself around.
    People should totes still do backdated threads and whatnot because inquiring minds want to know! Plus, just because you list it doesn't mean you can't scene it out! Also, this is not just for students! There are chaparones. So, if you have that one teacher who spiked their own punch and ended up doing the sad clown dance of loneliness whilst the DJ played Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds I'M LOOKING AT YOU SUMMERS or hooking up with that student you know you shouldn't then hey! Here you go. Let's make it happen.

    * Vic didn't really spike the punch, kthanxbi.
    I'm home, but it's nap time. Will post later. Plz leave message if you need anything specific when I get up.

    - Lori

    7/3/15: I'm sick today. I may or may not reply. Depends on how long I can stay awake on this phenergan.

    7/4/15: I'm a lot better today. Hubby brought this shit home last weekend and I thought I'd skimmed by without getting sick. Nope. Life wanted me to get him home from surgery before I threw my guts up. Thanks, body. Other than feeling like I have a MASSIVE hangover, I'm okay. Thanks for the well-wishes. I'm just pissed I was sick most of my 4-day weekend. :(

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