XSwap: OOC's Journal
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Tuesday, June 23rd, 2015

    Time Event
    So I love you guys so much I already made a second character. How's that for tricks?

    This is Heather Cameron, canonly Lifeguard. But wait, you might say, isn't she half alien baby? Eeeeeeh, fuck that. Shi'ars can suck a... anyway. I've given her a more "recent" character's powers in the form of Alisa Tager/Cipher. You know, remember when there was all that hype that precious Doug was coming back and it turned out to be this chick instead? Poor Doug...

    That means Heather has full-spectrum invisibility, inaudibility, phasing, and (when invisible) telepathic immunity to a degree. We're still working on that degree. She's been with Xavier's for six months but had been keeping her existence a total secret. As it is, here's a list of people who know she's around: Raven, Charles, Remy, Jean and Irene (either through her own powers or Raven telling her. Working on that). So she's going to start revealing herself bit by bit but until then...

    She's had six months of spying on fucking everyone as security under Raven. I'm gonna set up a drop box on her journal, all private comments, if you wanna leave me some stuff she's seen dirt wise. She's not the blackmail type but I mean, it'd be funny amirite?

    Fun stuff below! )

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