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Thursday, June 18th, 2015

    Time Event
    Who has access to the Danger Room?
    Does it even exist?

    I need to know these things and I figure it's a good thing to announce to the public rather than hitting the drop box and forgetting to share.
    Hey guys and girls. My name is Heather and I'm writing this from McDee's on my lunch break at the Wally world.

    This is Kurt. Much of his history in the early years is the same though with alterations made for his powers. Not by much though. My intense knowledge of Morph lets me know that as a baby, Kurt appeared to be kind of a gooey white blob with arms. Because of some shit that happened to him in the circus, he sometimes wakes up as a girl and can't change from female morphs (unless they're inanimate objects).

    He's 17 and a sophomore which is quite the trick for someone who has never stepped foot in a school before. Obviously he's got the Raven thing going on for him which means hey Irene and Anna Marie.... whut upm

    So ploy with me bbs. I'm here, he's half queer and we're here to party.

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