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Sunday, May 10th, 2015

    Time Event
    hey guys sorry i've been slow the week kind of got away from me :/ i plan on catching up on tags today!

    some bad news though - my roommate who has the internet under his name will be moving in a few days, and taking the internet with him. i'm not quite sure what day he is leaving or what day it will be turned off, but i think he said something about the 13th (he isn't the best on being specific, etc...) and we're moving at the end of the month and so i don't think between that time and then we will have internet access and i'm still not even sure when we will be getting it at the house since i am leaving that all up to my fiance. i will be around with my phone and such but i will definitely be slowed down especially when it comes to actual scenes and not just little comments here and there. i'm very sorry!

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