XSwap: OOC's Journal
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Wednesday, April 29th, 2015

    Time Event
    Hi everyone! I'm Chevalle, Alaskan resident and theatrical. I'm bringing in Billy Kaplan as GLITTERATTI, a sophomore at Xavier's with Dazzler's mutations. He only got here this year so he's still pretty new to the school. Billy's openly gay, something that caused him a lot of grief at his former school, and is a blossoming LGBT rights activist (and future mutant rights activist, as he develops in-game!). He's very into polisci and also art because Billy is obsessed with superheroes and comics! Thus, Xavier's is all around the perfect place for him to be. He's a pretty fun guy though he does have a built-up wall around dudes because of the bullying he's been subjected to for years. From the looks of things, he's going to be kicking it on the Exemplars (hey Jean Grey!) and rooming with Victor.

    I'm open to all the things! Since he's pretty new relationships with people are going to still be fresh. Friends? Enemies? Crushes? People that Billy irritates? Yes, please!
    I suck right now but I WILL be back, just a crazy week at work.

    xo Neatta

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