XSwap: OOC's Journal
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Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

    Time Event
    Hi there! I bring you Victor Borkowski. He's the same Vic you know and love except not reptilian. So, more confident and maybe just a smidge more cocky. He's a sophomore at Xavier's. He's from Illinois and he's got Quentin Quire's powers. He's currently in the Renegades squad! So, sup Alison! He's also currently without a roommate. SO. Fun times. He's personable, easy to get along with, and he likes to try and make people smile.

    Also, every now and then, he picks up on thoughts. He tries REALLY HARD not to pry but uh. People think really hard around here. So, if there's ever any embarrassing thoughts you want Vic to pick up on and react to -- we can have some fun times. :D

    Anyway, looking forward to writing with you all!
    Hey hey hey,

    I'm Neatta, bringing you Scott Summers. He has Rictor's powers and is going by "Tremor." Other than that, he's pretty much the same Scott as always.

    Let me know about desired plot, etc!

    edit I have Mystique as well! Not blue or immortal, but still fairly immoral.

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