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Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

    Time Event
    hi everyone this is me sheepishly posting to apologize for being mia. basically time got away from me AGAIN and then daredevil came out on netflix so you can just guess how my free time has been spent....

    i will be working on catching up with what i missed and hopefully getting something posted today or tomorrow depending on how my evening goes! just as a heads up, my life is pretty hectic at the moment (moving/cleaning the house we're moving into/prepping the nursery/planning my own baby shower, etc!!!) so i will be on pretty sporadically, but i'm hoping once the move is through things will start to settle more!!

    again i am soooo sorry!! i was, and still am, really looking forward to jumping into this game! i wish things hadn't gotten so crazy all of a sudden irl :/

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