XSwap: OOC's Journal
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Monday, April 6th, 2015

    Time Event
    Hi! I'm David! I'm new here, and I'm bringing in a certain firecracker in yellow who's still a firecracker even though she has different powers and doesn't always wear yellow.

    That's right, I'm bringing in Jubilation Lee! She goes by the Jubilee nickname, even though she has Mirage's power to create illusions out of people's dreams and/or nightmares. She's an upbeat person, so illuminating the more positive stuff in people's mindscapes comes more easily to her than the bad stuff.

    Most of her backstory is the same as canon Jubes', although instead of entertaining people with fireworks at the Hollywood Mall, she entertained them with creating illusions of their favorite things. But since she was still a shoplifter and a mutant in a spot where neither of those things was okay, she was grateful to be bailed out by Daddy Warbucks Professor Xavier.

    She's 16 now, and she's been at the school since she was 13, so she's been around a while. She's rooming with Kitty Pryde, and she's on the Gen X squad with Kitty and Bobby Drake. Let's make connections, people! Who does she like? Who does she dislike? Who's she crushing on (male or female; she's not picky)? Who are her partners in mischief?
    Lori is awesome and tags should be fixed! If you have any issues, let me know:D

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