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Monday, March 30th, 2015

    Time Event
    ok hi everyone! i'm very bad at these intro things and it's been a while since i've actually joined a game so i'm feeling kinda awkward, but my name's fanny and i'm bringing in the (not so) lovely josh foley, with wallflowers powers~ (pheromone manipulation)

    his bio is long because i tend to get carried away, but a little bit of backstory (which is pretty parallel to comic book canon) - when he was 15/16 his abilities manifested, although he didn't know what they were he just thought he became SUPER popular (which is basically a dream come true to him.) until of course pesky hormones kicked in and he got mad/made other people mad and started getting into fights at school and was eventually expelled for a little bit for unknowingly starting what was more-or-less a riot in the cafeteria. THEN when he was 16 he joined the reavers because their anger appealed to him, and then all sorts of hell kinda broke loose when xavier sent a team of mutants to try to bring him to the institute. he told them no, but the reavers found out too, beat him up etc, etc. when his parents found out the truth, they basically kicked him out, so he went to the institute kinda begrudgingly. eventually, his parents officially disowned him/signed guardianship over to the institute.

    needless to say, josh was not very popular among the students because of his reaver connections, and he still can't control his powers very well/at all, so he kind of just angrily keeps to himself, stewing in his own bitterness. normal teen stuff, you know. that's not to say he doesn't TRY to be friendly sometimes, but he hasn't been met with open arms and it's been about a year so he's kind of gotten used to being on his own.

    personality wise he's kind of a mix. like i said he keeps to himself, but all he really wants is for the whole world to like him. so he's kind of on this mission to prove himself. he still also isn't completely above using his ability for personal gain, but he's working on it :x

    ANYWAY i got carried away again but i'm very excited to start! i'm open for pretty much anything in the way of lines and plot-stuff!!

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