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Sunday, March 22nd, 2015

    Time Event
    So! With the game opening in April we're out of the hypothetical and into the "lets start working out some threads here" bits. You're both familiar with Remy and Bobby, and Cecilia's recently been added to the roster as well. I think I'm going to keep it to those three to avoid monopolizing powers/characters until we have a few more players around. ^__^

    Remy - A lieing liar who lies, and scoundrel extraordinaire. Most likely to interact with:
    Emma, who is his natural prey although he's not out to get her at this point. He'd be interested in getting on her good side though. Possibly a mutually beneficial - or mutually destructive - relationship. If he likes Emma enough, he may be happy to go after her rivals. ... if he dislikes her, he might target her instead. (Just a thought.) Would like to see a meet and greet, and get a feel for how they bounce off eachother.
    Jean, who I'm sure Remy's met already. I think we agreed that Jean helped Xavier get Remy's head on straight when he started seeing the future and was having trouble telling this morning from 3000 B.C. He's not used to anyone besides his immediate (and dead) family knowing him so well so she makes him a bit twitchy.

    Bobby - A boy who eats death, makes zombies, and has a Dr. Jekell / Mr. Hyde switch depending on how hungry he is. Most likely to interact with:
    Allison, whose guts he'll hate once she shows up at the institute and he meets her. I'm thinking there needs to be at least one incident of him eating her ghosts as fast as she makes them, which isn't likely to end well for anyone and may require teacher intervention. During his bad days, Bobby may seek her out to deliberately antagonize her.
    Wanda, who might find Bobby an interesting experiment? It's entirely possible that he can't stay dead, although no one knows for sure at this point. He can be Wanda's flirting-with-disaster tryouts. I wonder what Wanda would make of the situation if she did tempt fate and kill Bobby... who then gets back up a few days later, cranky about the whole thing.

    Cecilia - An immortal doctor who's often cranky and has intimacy issues, since she knows she's going to outlive everyone. Most likely to interact with:
    Laurie, whose healing powers really need some solid medical background before she tries to rewrite someone's genetics and forgets that a lot of DNA is actually junk coding and inactive for a reason.
    Cecilia needs some other takers. She's a bit of a recluse, if left to her own devices. So someone to try and bust her out of her shell, whether she wants to or not (and she really doesn't) would be helpful.

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