XSwap: OOC's Journal
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Friday, March 13th, 2015

    Time Event
    So, this is Alison Blaire with Wicked's powers. She goes by the codename Voodoo.

    She's a famous music star, all over TMZ, with a rep for being a total biyatch. Though she tells the press that it's all just people making up stories. They tried to make her go to rehab and she said no, no, no. And stuff.

    She'll arrive at the school a couple of weeks into the game. At this very moment, no one knows she's a mutant but she's going to have an on stage incident (it's ghost time baby) that's going to out her and end up a scandal and basically washed up. She'll sekritly be sent to Xavier's where she'll have to spend most of her time incognito since no one knows that Xavier's is a mutant school.

    But once she's there, all the plots:D

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