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Monday, March 2nd, 2015

    Time Event
    So... first?

    I know right now it's just me and the boss-mod, but for any future people: HI. I'M REGINA. I COME BEARING GIFTS OF REMY. The tldr version of Remy is that he's a thief from Louisiana, who recently had his entire family die. He plays the southern charmer very well but don't be fooled, he rarely means what he says. He's a lieing liar who lies, but you'd need to be an empath or a telepath to catch him doing it. He showed up at the academy little more than a year ago, since a recently developed penchant for seeing the damn future messed with his head a bit. It's not known among the student body that he's a thief, although the faculty know.

    Also up to bat is Bobby Drake! He's a one man zombie apocalypse and he pretty much hates himself. He's never actually hurt anyone, but about two years ago a small town in main had a serious problem with the undead after Bobby went to his grandfather's funeral and woke up a graveyard. He was shot, died, and woke up in a morgue afterwards, repeat with the zombies. He was brought to the institute shortly after and disowned. Bobby's generally nice enough but that's fairly dependent on how badly his mutation is straining his mind on any particular day. Bobby can be one of the nicest people in the world, or a right bastard, depending on how hungry he is.
    Hopefully we'll have a handful of players to start up soon because I really want to start.

    Anyway, I'm Melissa and have a quick (not-so-quick) rundown:

    Irene Adler/Anima/[info]telekineticals: Marvel Girl's powers
    Irene is the student counselor at the school. She'll also counsel your adults about whatever they might need. She's an information gatherer. With people getting all up in arms about mutants, her beliefs are changing and a certain Erik Lensherr and his beliefs might be getting to her. She'll definitely take an interest in any students/adults with questionable views on the superiority of mutants and anyone who tends to get into trouble a lot. But explains that away by saying that those are the ones that need the most help.

    She will give your kids crap about breaking the rules but insists that she cares. But she'll also sit and talk with them for hours if that's what they need. She'll also make sure they have whatever they need. Because, dammit, mutants are being discriminated against and someone needs to be looking out for them extra specially.

    Jean Grey/Savant/[info]computering: Sages's powers
    Jean likes to think of herself as a big sister more than an actual professor. In some ways, she can seem to have somewhat of a dual personality: her core nature is maternal and friendly while her powers are very analytical and logical. So she's constantly struggling with that split. She can get into "moods" where she wants to do nothing but work for weeks on end. And then, a night later, she'll be in the kitchen baking cookies and delivering them on doorsteps (roomsteps?) in packages with little bows. She tries not to seem too nuts in that respect but often fails.

    Regardless, if your character's at the school she's likely at least talked to him/her. Whether they like her/want to continue talking/etc. is totally up to you. But she's tried to reach out:D

    Anna Marie/Mimic/[info]alterable: Mystique's powers
    Anna's been at the school since she was an infant. She was born blue and dumped on the steps of a church shortly after birth. Xavier found her and took her in. She grew up being passed around among the faculty and older students who took care of her and raised her. So she doesn't really have a specific adult figure that she looks up to. In some ways, a lot of people were involved in her upbringing (and any back story between her and other characters is always welcome!) but in other ways she sort of feels like none of them actually raised her.

    She considers herself to be a burden and hasn't yet figured out how she's supposed to feel about being a mutant. Once she developed the ability to change her appearance boy howdy did she use it! It's extremely rare to see her blue. And, since she didn't spend really any time outside the school until she was about 13 or so, she's not the most well-adjusted person. Sometimes she tries. Mostly she doesn't.

    Wanda Maximoff/Dementia/[info]dareyoutotouch: Rogue's powers
    Wanda is... a little unhinged. She treats her abilities like a game and refuses to be afraid of them even though she should probably show at least a little fear. Or respect. Or something. She actually uses them, makes a point of risking touches (welcome or not), and has way too many personalities stuck in her head. She doesn't realize that Erik is her father, which is probably a good thing because she'd be pissed that she didn't know for so long. She would love a Pietro and would likely be extremely dependent on him and clingy.

    Kitty Pryde/Velocity/[info]alwaysfaster: Quicksilver's powers
    Kitty's actually a lot like her canon counterpart. Just really fast. And she does have a little bit of an impatience issue like canon-Quicksilver. Mostly because everyone else is so. damn. slow. Overall, she's book smart, enjoys computers, books, and math, does gymnastics, etc. etc. She likes to welcome brand new arrivals because she knows she was freaked out when she first arrived to the school if only because it was a brand new, unknown place. She's been there since she was 12 (she's 15 now) so it's been a few years and she's settled in pretty well. Kitty has a good relationship with her family and doesn't have the tragic past that a lot of other people at the school have. So, in that respect, she's a bit naive to the game. Which might make her a little annoying.

    Tabitha Smith/Phase/[info]walkingthruyou: Shadowcat's powers
    Tabitha is... a pain in the ass. She's also a lot like her canon counterpart except now she can walk through walls which, while less destructive than time bombs, gives her a hell of a lot of opportunity to get into a lot of trouble. She's always testing limits, always playing pranks, a chatterbox, and really doesn't give a fig about authority. She does come from a troubled past, though it's not something she talks about. Telepaths/empaths/precogs might know something about it (and they're all welcome to know that her parents were divorced, she had a stepmother, her father was an alcoholic and abusive, etc. as you wish... no need to hold back your characters' powers there).

    Mostly, she hides the pain of her childhood with her bombastic personality. She actually likes getting into trouble. And is probably always trying to plan an unwelcome party that includes underage drinking.

    Laurie Collins/Ambrosia/[info]laurieheals: Elixir's powers
    Laurie is a bit more outgoing than her canon self. Without the need to withdraw into herself due to her powers, she had a chance to be more friendly and wasn't so worried about "forcing" people to like her. However, she takes her healing powers very seriously. As a result, she ended up driving herself to exhaustion over and over and Jean stepped in, messed with her DNA, and screwed up, severely limiting Laurie's ability to heal people. I pretty much did this so there wasn't a character running around who could heal everything making it impossible for characters to have colds, broken limbs, etc. without it feeling like a huge plot hole. But also so that she's available to save people from huge injuries/illnesses as needed and/or wanted.

    She spends a lot of time in the medical lab (doctor characters anyone???) and has started to focus on learning about medicine since she can't just touch and heal as easily now. Though that makes her extremely frustrated and more than a little cranky.

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