July 20th, 2008

[info]katekintail in [info]xnevillelovingx

Day 20: FIC: Five Ways Neville's Life Changed Before He Turned 20 (And One Way It Didn't)

Title: Five Ways Neville’s Life Changed Before He Turned 20 (And One Way It Didn’t)
Author: KateKintail
Rating: R overall (though mostly PG throughout)
Pairing(s): Neville/Harry (Harry/Ginny mentioned and sort of Neville/Hannah implied)
Word Count: 4,607
Disclaimer: These characters and their magical world are not mine. I am only playing for fun. Please don’t sue me. I work for a non-profit and the very little I earn goes to rent, food, and Harry Potter goodies :-)
Summary: Neville grows up quite a lot in the series. But as Neville approaches 20 years of age, he goes through a few more life changes… and remains just about the same at the end.

Story & icons under here )