August 9th, 2007

[info]kaellite in [info]xnevillelovingx

Bargains: A Neville, Gran gen fic



The discussion on the hpwriterschoice regarding Neville (and subsequently his Gran) made me try to take a more charitable look at the old lady than I have in the past. This fic is the result.

Genre: Gen, Angst, minor pre-slash Bill/Neville
Warnings: Angst
Pairing: Augusta, Neville, pre-slash Bill/Neville
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1522
Constructive Criticism welcome (indeed requested).

Disclaimer: The characters herein are not my creation nor are they my property. They are the sole creation of J.K. Rowling and are the property of Ms. Rowling, Scholastic Books and Warner Brothers.

[info]kaellite in [info]xnevillelovingx

THE BEAUTY OF AN ORIGINAL....Blaise/Neville fic

Pairing: Blaise/Neville, (Ron/Draco, Harry/Draco, Harry/Draco/Ron all implied)
Genre: Slash
Warnings: Toys, Draco Bashing
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 1161

Summary: Blaise recognizes an original when he sees one, and believes those are the only ones worth having.

Disclaimer: The characters herein are not my creation, nor my property. They are the creation of J.K. Rowling and the property of Ms. Rowling, Scholastic Books and Warner Brothers (none of whom have sanctioned this). I am not profiting from this in any form.