Xavier Memorial Institute - October 14th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Xavier Memorial Institute

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October 14th, 2009

Aftermath [Oct. 14th, 2009|06:12 pm]
The students and injured were all rounded up by the team, everyone was put on the jet and home was in sight when the team leader, Tenebrous, James Dorset shrieked. It wasn't a manly sound but as he grabbed his head and collapsed to the ground some vague amorphous shape materialized briefly and then vanished through the side of the plane. The cameo gone from around the Team Leader's neck he had fallen into unconscious. Magneto kept a bit of a magnetic field around the island just in case anyone decided to bomb them and the final piece of the puzzle fell in place. The leader had been being controlled by Malice.

Things seemed quiet for those who were on lock down in the medical ward but the rest of the school was being subjected to the ten o'clock news and with it visions of anarchy.

Headlines blazed across screens and in news print the next morning

--Terror at Mutant Rally-- Mutants Turn on Their Own Kind -- What are They Teaching at that School?--

Images flashed across the screen from home video sent in by a concerned viewer.

Wicked standing up with her arms outstretched and then ghosts weaving through the crowds, frightening people into a screaming throng.

Colossus in metal form running down a corridor looking furious as people scrambled out of his way.

Freakshow in clips as a giant ogre with people running screaming and a building crumbling around them.

Draco breathing fire into a mass of innocent civilians.

Jamie waving up at a woman on a window ledge just before she opened fire on the crowd, signaling her to do so perhaps?

Gambit attacking an unarmed man in a grey trench coat.

Cannonball using his powers to blast a woman into a wall almost a block away.

Multis shifting into a bird and entering a window then images of the destroyed office.

Only Prism, Atalanta, Nyx and Tenebrous had escaped the wrath of the media.

Almost every segment was ended with the words.. -- and these are our heroes?
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