November 7th, 2010

[info]peja in [info]xfilesfantasies

authors choice #197 - wooden ruler

authors choice #197 - wooden ruler - any pairing - any length:

Write a story, ficlet, drabble, snippet, slice of life [or a series of stories] around this theme. Go to the extreme on this.

1. Write a story of any length, using the prompt "wooden ruler" in whatever way you would like
2. Your character says "Don't make me pull out the wooden ruler."
3. Your character investigates new ways to use a wooden ruler.
2. Or....Let the prompt infect you & carry you to greater heights of creativity.
Happy writing, folks

Please link back to this site when using the prompts on other sites so interested folk can find it easily

FINAL NOTE: Would be nice to see some stories on the comm. Prompt generated or not.

[info]peja in [info]xfilesfantasies

Fic: Tears Of The Wolf 5

Tears Of The Wolf 5

Summary: After colonization, the survivors were confined to camps. Several years later, a stranger is thrust onto the ex-agents.
Fandom: X-Files
Characters/Pairing (portrayed by): Time will tell. For now ensemble.
Rating: FRT
Prompt: Does Halloween count?
Warnings: dark themes, AU,
Genre: (General/hetero/slash)undecided, but leaning toward slash, Mulder/Krycek, Skinner/Krycek.
Series or WIP: WIP
Chapter 1 URL:
Chapter number if WIP: Chapter 5
Sand-box [open series]: Y
Permission to archive to WWOMB: Y
Acknowledgments/Notes: This is the continuation of a tease I posted on LJ awhile back.
Disclaimer. X-Files does not belong to me. no money made in this
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