Thursday, November 20th, 2008

WEEK 5: Sunday, September 28 - Venus & Gambit [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Remy [GAMBIT]
When: WEEK 5: Sunday, September 28, late in the evening
Where: Yindi's room, then probably back down to the medical ward
What: A few days after THIS, Yindi reunites with her dearest friend on this side of the world and shares with him what transpired
Rating & Warnings: G

Yindi was deeply torn over the whole thing. )

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Friday, September 12th, 2008

OOC | Tag List

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This list will be missing tags as not everyone posts logs. This community allows members to add new tags and so, if your character tag is not available, please add it in the line provided and it will appear.
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Monday, August 11th, 2008

Who: Gambit and Kitty
NPCs: none
When: August 9th during this!
Where: Xaviers kitchen
What: Remy chats to Kitty finds out that Storm and stormy are the same person
Rating & Warnings: " U "

OOOO GOD!!! her name sounded like an old western  )

[ finished ]
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Sunday, August 10th, 2008

Who: Gambit, Weema - later Scott
NPCs: Barman, bikers
When: Thursday 7th August Morning
Where: At the school, and at a road house
What: Stealing Scott's bike.
Rating & Warnings: " PG "

Nice bike vrooooooom vroooooooom lets borrow it! )

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Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008

WHO: Remy & Ororo
WHEN: 7|33|08
WHERE: Egypt
SYNOPSIS: Remy and Ororo get ready to charm their way onto a flight back to America.

you sure you wanna go back dere )
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