Friday, January 30th, 2009

Who: Iota, Wild Child, TOA
When: Thrusday, Week 11, 4PM
Where: Brotherhood bunker/tunnel/apartments
What: Gibs is stretching his legs
Rating & Warnings: "G" Upped as needed

Though I'm standing by your side I'm so lonely I could cry )

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Sunday, January 25th, 2009

Who: Cannonball, Chamber, Freakshow, Gambit, Husk, Mastermind, Mr Sinister, Sabretooth, Shy, Wicked, Wild Child, Wolverine, Open to any X-men Brotherhood who would like to join in
NPCs: Xavier
When: Monday, week 11, 7PM
Where: Outside Sinister's base, somewhere in Canada
What: A team has been dispatched on a rescue mission for the missing mutants
Rating & Warnings: "PG-13" Language and fighting, upped as needed
Notes: Jump in as you wish! For the sake of time, if you do not post in 24 hours your post will be skipped. Go to this thread to plot if needed.

It's hard to be free when you're down on your knees )

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Monday, January 19th, 2009

Who: Sabretooth, Gambit, Wolverine OT Wildchild
NPCs: Sinister, probably random npc people tossed iin to be killed at odd moments
When: Sunday Week 11
Where: Somewhere in Canada
What: game of cat and mouse
Rating & Warnings: "pg 12"

all let loose to see who kills who or who tries to get away )

[ Open/Closed ]
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Wednesday, January 14th, 2009

Who: Gambit, Sabretooth, Wild Child and Wolverine
NPCs: Mr Sinister, Guards, people to kill
When: tursday Week 10
Where: Somewhere in south america
What: raid on a place that refines snake and spider poisons
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

If you go down to the woods today  )

[ Open/Closed ]
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Monday, January 5th, 2009

Who: Sinister, Gambit, Sabretooth, Wolverine, OT Wild Child
NPC: Mr Sinister, clones
Where: Brotherhood place kind of
When: Early hours of sunday morning,

how to catch a feral without waking up anyone else )
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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

WEEK 9: Saturday, November 1st - Venus & Wild Child

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kyle [WILD CHILD]
When: Saturday, not too long after dawn
Where: In the woods behind the institute
What: "Next time" finally comes around
Rating & Warnings: "TBA"

Hopefully, Kyle is up this early in the morning )

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Who: Icarus, Wild Child
When: Friday, week 9 3PM
Where: Woods a short way outside Xaviers
What: Kyle goes looking for a flower and finds a bird
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

And how do you keep your feet on the ground When you know, that you were born, you were born to fly? )

[ Closed ]
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Monday, December 22nd, 2008

Who: Mastermind, Wild Child
When: Saturday, Week 8, 5PM
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: Kyle returns to camp, smitten and with food
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

And they called it puppy love Oh i guess they'll never know how a young heart really feels )

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Sunday, December 21st, 2008

Who: Freakshow, Gravija, Iota, Mastermind, Psych, Wicked, Wild Child, open to any other Brotherhood members
When: Sunday, Week 9, 10PM
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: Freakshow and Wicked invade the Brotherhood camp in a misguided quest for revenge
Rating & Warnings: "PG 13" Fantasy violence, language

My hate pop won't ever stop I'm fucking glad we're different This is my hate american style Hit )

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WEEK 8: Saturday, October 25th - Venus & Wild Child [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kyle [WILD CHILD]
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The woods behind the mansion
What: The two nature-lovers have a second encounter
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

...not that she, you know, had a big mushy crush on him or anything. )

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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Who: Wild Child, MasterMind
When: Tuesday 10PM, Week 8
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: Kyle has a gift and a request
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine, When you gonna lemme get sober? )

[ Closed ]
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Thursday, December 11th, 2008

[ Gravija, Mastermind, Wild Child, Gambit, Psych, Husk, & Professor X ]

Who: Gloria Munoz, Jason Wyngarde, Kyle Gibney, Remy Le Beau, Paige Guthrie, & Cordelia Frost; Brief appearance by Charles Xavier from afar; OTA Brotherhood.
NPCs: Crowds of people
When: Week Eight; Thursday Evening
Where: NYC: An Anti-Mutant Rally
What: After all the news reports from Vancouver and everything going on in the city, protesters have finally organized into a legal and permitted anti-mutant rally. Some of the Brotherhood members have gone to observe and break it up.
Rating: PG - Violence and probably slurs. Normal anti-mutant sentiment.

Only Good Mutie Iz a Dead 1! )

[ Open to Brotherhood members crasing a FoH rally ]
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Saturday, December 6th, 2008

Who: Wild Child
When: Saturday, Week 7, 2PM
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: Kyle is injured, restless, cranky and thinking.
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

When doubts arise the game begins, The one we will never win, my baby, It always ends up in tears )

[ Closed ]
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Who: Wild Child, Wolf Cub, MasterMind
NPCs: Cab Driver
When: Thursday, Week 7, 5PM
Where: Freeway shoulder, to Brotherhood Camp, to Xavier Manor
What: Wolf Cubs arrival is not smooth sailing.
Rating & Warnings: "PG" (upped as needed)

Seen it before, but not like this, Been there before, but not like this )

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Sunday, November 30th, 2008

Who: Mastermind, Wild Child
NPCs: Random mob
When: Friday, Week 7, 9PM
Where: The suburbs of Rochester, NY
What: The anti-mutant hysteria catches up with Jason and Kyle
Rating & Warnings: "R" Much violence and death, language

You came to see the mOBSCENE I know it isn't your scene It's better than a sex scene and it's So fucking obscene )

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Saturday, November 29th, 2008

Who: Wild Child, Yindi
When: Thursday, 3PM
Where: Woods near Xaviers
What: Kyle loses the hunt but runs into someone interesting
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

I know now what shadows can see, there's no point in running 'less you run with me. )

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Who: Wild Child, Mastermind
When: Thursday, Week 7, 2AM
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: What do you do after you meet a dragon? Wake your best friend up at an ungoldy hour to jabber about it, of course!
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

All these feelings, they cloud up my reasoning. )

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Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Who: Mastermind OT WildChild
NPCs: unlikely
When: Wednesday, 5 pm
Where: Near BH camp
What: Meeting up again after Wild Child has disappeared
Rating & Warnings: PG for fluff

Without moving, the world whirls, the stars dance, the faces turn, the eyes smile, and you are there with me. Standing still. )

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Tuesday, November 25th, 2008

Who: MasterMind, Wild Child
When: Monday, Week 7, 2:30AM
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: A battered and bloodied Kyle is being tended to, kicking and screaming, by Jason
Rating & Warnings: "PG-13" There will be swearing and a bit of gore

You’re blessed to fly, and able to return, when you’re bleeding for the cure )

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Monday, November 24th, 2008

Who: Feral and Open to any Brotherhood memebers
When: Monday, late afternoon, Week 7
Where: Brotherhood camp
What: Coming back from a couple months of mission work.
Rating & Warnings:TBD

Home sweet Home... Maybe...  )

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