Wednesday, January 28th, 2009

Who: Sly and Yindi
What: Study Session
When: Wednesday, November 12th; after classes.
Where: Yindi's Room to Start
Rating: G

Sorry it's been so long. )
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Monday, January 5th, 2009

Who: Jason OTA Yindi, Shy, and Xavier, but really the whole school is involved
NPCs: Students etc as needed.
When: Wednesday 7pm
Where: School grounds near the front gate.
What: Jason is very angry and hunting for the one person he knows would have talked to Kyle last.
Rating & Warnings: N/a for now.

Take him from me and I will bring all that I am to your doorstep with such fierce grace that nothing you say will ever put the pieces of yourself back in place. Keep it up, little girl, and they will find you with nothing to your name but the name itself. )

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Saturday, January 3rd, 2009


Who: Students and Staff of the Xavier Institute; Party crashers?
NPCs: Any X-man who is not currently held by a mun; Charles Xavier.
When: Week Nine: Friday, October 31st; Evening.
Where: Xavier's: The Gymnasium
What: The Halloween Masquerade is in full swing. Don't forget your mask!
Rating & Warnings: PG; Updated as needed.

Masquerade! Paper faces on parade Masquerade! Hide your face, so the world will never find you! )

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Sunday, December 28th, 2008

WEEK 9: Saturday, November 1st - Venus & Wild Child

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kyle [WILD CHILD]
When: Saturday, not too long after dawn
Where: In the woods behind the institute
What: "Next time" finally comes around
Rating & Warnings: "TBA"

Hopefully, Kyle is up this early in the morning )

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WEEK 9: Wednesday, October 29th - FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!

Who: Yindi [VENUS], Jay [ICARUS] & St. John [PYRO]
When: Wednesday, early evening
Where: First floor of the Mansion
What: What intended to be a simple day quickly goes up in smoke!
Rating & Warnings: "PG-13"

Oh, you two are so pathetic. You flaunt your weak spots like I flaunt fire. You, Bird-boy, you're a Guthrie. Hick-ass family with traditional family values. And you, Princess, you're just so easy to read. Innocent, upstanding, 'good girl.' You've practically got flashing neon signs pointing to them. Come on, you guys. It'd be a crime not to pick you apart. )

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Sunday, December 21st, 2008

WEEK 8: Saturday, October 25th - Venus & Wild Child [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kyle [WILD CHILD]
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The woods behind the mansion
What: The two nature-lovers have a second encounter
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

...not that she, you know, had a big mushy crush on him or anything. )

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Saturday, November 29th, 2008

Who: Wild Child, Yindi
When: Thursday, 3PM
Where: Woods near Xaviers
What: Kyle loses the hunt but runs into someone interesting
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

I know now what shadows can see, there's no point in running 'less you run with me. )

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Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Who: Alex open to Yindi
When: 11am on Wednesday, Week 7
Where: Danger Room, Xavier's
What: Alex has booked the Danger Room for the session he promised to Yindi.
Ratings & Warnings: PG

He hoped that note didn't ever fall into the wrong hands )

[ Open to Yindi ]
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Wednesday, November 26th, 2008

Who: Alex
When: Sunday morning (early!), Week Seven
Where: Slipped under the door of Room 120.
What: Alex leaves Yindi a note about their Danger Room session.
Rating & Warnings: U

But he wasn't that high on the totem pole yet )

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Monday, November 24th, 2008

Who: Patrick, Yindi
NPCs: None, as of yet
When: Monday, about 4 pm
Where: The garage
What: Patrick is about to head off campus for the day
Rating & Warnings: TBA (G for now); carbon monoxide in the garage?

It could just be a little hard to remember that he was not dealing with his colleagues in Italy, or his friends from William & Mary. )

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Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Who: Pyro, Yindi
NPCs: None, as of yet
When: Monday, about 10 pm
Where: On school property, but outside.
What: One juvenile delinquent, cigarettes, and a very overused lighter. Three words: Pyro. Got. Slapped.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 for now; underage smoking, slight language, and a little violence.

From London to Paris, from Berlin to Rome, you're searching for something, a place to call home. Been hiding your feelings, went out of control, your destinations unknown. )

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Who: Shy, open
When: Friday, 6PM
Where: Xavior Manor, kitchen
What: Shy's sweet tooth is kicking in
Rating & Warnings: "G"

I cannot be your everything, but I'll be your candy man )

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Friday, November 21st, 2008

WEEK 6: Thursday, October 9 - Venus & Saint [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Sly [SAINT]
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Yindi's dormitory room
What: Yindi posted a note earlier in the week in hopes of finding a tutor. Though he has only just arrived to the school, Sly sees Yindi's note and goes in search of the needy student to possibly provide some tutoring services
Rating & Warnings: G

Yindi had left both the window and the door open as much as either could get. A cool, crisp breeze was pulled in and when it drifted out into the hall, brought the scent of a mixture of florals. )

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WEEK 6: Monday, VENUS

Who: Yindi [VENUS]
When: Monday morning, before breakfast
Where: Found on a couple message boards about school
What: Yindi needs a tutor and makes it known!
Rating & Warnings: G

I can pay in cash or cookies. )

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Thursday, November 20th, 2008

WEEK 6: Sunday, October 6 - Venus & Nightcrawler [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kurt [NIGHTCRAWLER]
When: WEEK 6: Sunday, October 5th, after dinner
Where: Yindi's room, then probably back down to the medical ward
What: Yindi is trying to get caught up in her studies and is not doing so well; Kurt has not seen his student and young friend in some time and, not privvy to what had happened with her, sets out to find her
Rating & Warnings: G

She paused in her reading for a moment to set her book in her lap. The pads of her fingers pressed gently on her closed eyes and she gave them a rub. Unfortunately, when she opened her eyes again, all of her papers and books were still there. It was going to be a long night. )

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Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Friday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events on the basketball courts.
What: Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition )

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Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Who: Rictor, Yindi
When: Tuesday, 4:45 PM
Where: Xavior Manor, courtyard
What: Rictor is bored
Rating & Warnings: PG

I'm bored, life it's not so fair. Nothing here and nothing there, I'm waiting constantly, it's not the way life's meant to be. )

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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Who: Alex, Logan, Julian, Kitty, Rogue, Remy, Terahertz, Sabretooth
NPCs: Unnamed telepath, baddies, bank folk, Bomb Squad
When: Late afternoon, Wednesday, Week Four
Where: Subbasement, Danger Room, Bank of New York
What: The Junior X-Men are called in to deal with a situation.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13

There's something going on at the Bank of New York; there's mutants there and one of them's just a kid )

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Friday, September 26th, 2008

NPCs: DJ, Karaoke Master, Caterers, and Henna Artist
When: Saturday, week 2 8 pm - 11 pm
Where: Xavier's Gardens
What: A Dance, Hello, and Thank You to the Students, staff, and residents
Rating & Warnings: TBD

Let the DANCE Begin... )

[ Open to all at Xavier's ]
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Who: Logan - Kurt - Alex ot Julian, Sophia, Kitty, Rogue, Yindi and Gambit (with Jack there but uninvited).
When: Friday 8 in the morning
Where: danger room
What: First training session for min x'ers
Rating & Warnings: "TBA"

Danger room Session mini x'ers )

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