Thursday, November 27th, 2008

Who: Remy
NPCs: twinkies
When: Tuesday week 7 mid morning
Where: Xaviers
What: gory fascination looking at pictures on the news stealing twinkies in the kitchen
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

Kaboommmmm followed by twinkies )

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Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Friday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events on the basketball courts.
What: Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition )

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Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Wednesday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events in the gardens.
What: Theme of the day: Fifties Day Event for the day: Pumpkin Carving Contest
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: Fifties Day Event for the day: Pumpkin Carving Contest )

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Thursday, November 6th, 2008

Who: Ally and Jack
When: Saturday morning, Week Five
Where: Rec room, X-Mansion
What: Ally settles down with some comic books to enjoy her freedom before classes start.
Rating & Warnings: TBD

Now she'd be like everyone else, confined by classes during the week )

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Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Who: Yuki, Ally, and brief appearance of Logan...
When: Thursday around mid afternoon.
Where: Xavier, Kitchen
What: Cooking a lunch in the kitchen.
Rating & Warnings: g to pg

Food is always good especially when you make it yourself... )

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Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Who: Ally OT Professor X
NPCs: Susan the secretary
When: Monday, Week Five
Where: Xavier's office (and outside it!)
What: Ally has a meeting with Professor X to discuss her situation and options.
Ratings & Warnings: U

She supposed she'd always been a mutant )
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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Who: Alex, Logan, Julian, Kitty, Rogue, Remy, Terahertz, Sabretooth
NPCs: Unnamed telepath, baddies, bank folk, Bomb Squad
When: Late afternoon, Wednesday, Week Four
Where: Subbasement, Danger Room, Bank of New York
What: The Junior X-Men are called in to deal with a situation.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13

There's something going on at the Bank of New York; there's mutants there and one of them's just a kid )

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