Monday, November 24th, 2008

Who: Icarus, OPEN
NPCs: None, as of yet
When: Monday, around 8pm
Where: School dormitory
What: Another Guthrie moves in
Rating & Warnings: PG

I am on reprieve, lacking my joie de vive. )

[OPEN to All]
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Thursday, November 20th, 2008

WEEK 6: Sunday, October 6 - Venus & Nightcrawler [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kurt [NIGHTCRAWLER]
When: WEEK 6: Sunday, October 5th, after dinner
Where: Yindi's room, then probably back down to the medical ward
What: Yindi is trying to get caught up in her studies and is not doing so well; Kurt has not seen his student and young friend in some time and, not privvy to what had happened with her, sets out to find her
Rating & Warnings: G

She paused in her reading for a moment to set her book in her lap. The pads of her fingers pressed gently on her closed eyes and she gave them a rub. Unfortunately, when she opened her eyes again, all of her papers and books were still there. It was going to be a long night. )

[ OPEN ]
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Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Friday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events on the basketball courts.
What: Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition )

[ Open ]
(80 comments | Leave a comment)

Who: Jack, Remy OT Kitty - Kurt
When: Tuesday early evening
Where: Xaveirs
What: Remy and Jack sneaking about - Jack and Kitty being caught being 'naughty' by Kurt
Rating & Warnings: "TBA" maybe mild smuttie stuff

twinkle twinkle little bat )

[ Open ]
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Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Thursday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events in the gardens.
What: Theme of the day: Egyptian Day Event for the day:Student vs. Teacher Competition - Blindfolded sundae eating contest
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: Egyptian Day Event for the day:Student vs. Teacher Competition - Blindfolded sundae eating contest )

[ Open ]
(18 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Wednesday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events in the gardens.
What: Theme of the day: Fifties Day Event for the day: Pumpkin Carving Contest
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: Fifties Day Event for the day: Pumpkin Carving Contest )

[ Open ]
(7 comments | Leave a comment)

Sunday, November 9th, 2008

Who: Kurt, Remy, and Jack
When: Sunday, Oct. 5th, week 6, late afternoon
Where: Xavier's in the gym
What: Practicing Dancing, and teaching Jack how to. Other such things but not sure what yet...
Rating & Warnings: G to PG

One two three..... One two three.... )

[ Open/Closed ]
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Tuesday, November 4th, 2008

Who: Scott and OPEN
NPCs: None
When: Monday week five early evening
Where: Under the awnings outside of the Teacher's office building
What: Scott is outside watching the storm and thinking. (Breaking Scott back in slowly)
Rating & Warnings: G-PG, no warning, will update if need be

Watching the rain and thinking )
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Monday, October 27th, 2008

Who: Kitty, Jack, Logan, and Kurt
When: Monday morning, week 5
Where: Xaviers Kitty's room, and around outside in different locations
What: Kitty gets shrunk, Jack takes her on a flying adventure, and Kurt and Logan get involved at some point...
Rating & Warnings: pg to possibly r if sexuality is involved...

JACK!!!! )

[ Open to those listed above ]
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Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008

Who: Alex, Logan, Julian, Kitty, Rogue, Remy, Terahertz, Sabretooth
NPCs: Unnamed telepath, baddies, bank folk, Bomb Squad
When: Late afternoon, Wednesday, Week Four
Where: Subbasement, Danger Room, Bank of New York
What: The Junior X-Men are called in to deal with a situation.
Rating & Warnings: PG-13

There's something going on at the Bank of New York; there's mutants there and one of them's just a kid )

[ Open ]
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Tuesday, October 21st, 2008

Who: Kurt, Jack, Gambit, and Logan briefly
When: Monday, Week 4 The breakfast hour
Where: Xavier's Kitty's room, and then maybe the Gym?
What: Kurt and Jack bonding, and Gambit being punished, but then maybe not? AHAHAHA....
Rating & Warnings: PG

Oh where oh where is my Jackie boy? )

[ Open to those above in characters ]
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Friday, October 17th, 2008

Who: Kurt, Logan, Rogue, Kitty, and Jack
When: Sunday, week 4
Where: LA, Pantages Theater
What: Dressing, talking going to see a matinée of Wicked
Rating & Warnings: PG for possibly languge

Show day... Here comes WICKED )

[ Open to Kurt, Logan, Rogue, Kitty, and Jack]
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Wednesday, October 8th, 2008

Who:Kurt, Logan, Rogue, Kitty, and possibly Jack
When: Friday, week 3
Where:Xavier's and various places around LA, Cali
What: Shopping, and a Show, and various other places and things on the adventure
Rating & Warnings: g to possible PG depending on language. Might go Higher if sexuality is alluded to...

Let the adventure begin... )

[ Open to Logan Kitty Rogue and ?Jack? ]
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Tuesday, October 7th, 2008

Who: Laura Kinney, Logan, Kurt Wagner
When: Thursday, early evening
Where: Abandoned old church in New York
What: Logan and Kurt come to collect Laura and bring her back to the school.
Rating & Warnings: "14A", possible violence

She was beginning to realize she would always be alone, and though it was slightly cold in that old church basement, it was that thought that chilled her more than the temperature. )

[ Open to Logan/Kurt ]
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Sunday, October 5th, 2008

Who: Kitty OT Logan, and Kurt
When:Thursday, after dinner
Where: Xavier's Boathouse
What: Talking about the weekend that Kitty and Rogue want...
Rating & Warnings: g to pg

Let's do something!! )

[ Open to Logan and Kurt]
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Saturday, October 4th, 2008

Who: Logan ot Kurt
NPCs: Scott (very, very briefly)
When: Thursday morning before classes
Where: Xaviers
What: Logan is given Jack's file and told to inform Kurt of the findings.
Rating & Warnings: " U "

there's no such thing as faeries  )

[ Open ]
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Friday, October 3rd, 2008

Who:Kurt open to Rogue
When: Thursday, Week three, after classes
Where: Xavier's
What: Kurt is asked to get on the act with Kitty and Rogue on the little joke on Logan...
Rating & Warnings: "pg

Jokes R' Us... )

[ Open to Rogue ]
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Friday, September 26th, 2008

NPCs: DJ, Karaoke Master, Caterers, and Henna Artist
When: Saturday, week 2 8 pm - 11 pm
Where: Xavier's Gardens
What: A Dance, Hello, and Thank You to the Students, staff, and residents
Rating & Warnings: TBD

Let the DANCE Begin... )

[ Open to all at Xavier's ]
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Who: Logan - Kurt - Alex ot Julian, Sophia, Kitty, Rogue, Yindi and Gambit (with Jack there but uninvited).
When: Friday 8 in the morning
Where: danger room
What: First training session for min x'ers
Rating & Warnings: "TBA"

Danger room Session mini x'ers )

[ Open ]
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Tuesday, September 23rd, 2008

Who: Kurt
NPCs: Flyers
When: Thursdeay, week2 mid afternoon
Where: Xavier's institute bulletin boards around
What: Putting up flyers
Rating & Warnings: g

Upcoming Dance )

[ Closed ]
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