Monday, December 22nd, 2008

Who: Mastermind, Wild Child
When: Saturday, Week 8, 5PM
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: Kyle returns to camp, smitten and with food
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

And they called it puppy love Oh i guess they'll never know how a young heart really feels )

[ Open ]
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Sunday, December 21st, 2008

WHO: Iota & Psych
NPC: Random people in the cafe.
WHAT: Iota is back, and has a date with Psych.
WHEN: 10|22, Wednesday @ 11AM.
WHERE: Tenth Muse Cafe-Bar, downtown
RATING G? a small cafe... )
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Who: Myra Stebbins and Liberty Daae
NPCs: Several students from Ardsley High School, Jacob Massley (temporarily)
When: Friday, October 24 - Week 8, 4:08 PM
Where: a park, Manchester, NY
What: Introducing Myra Stebbins - Myra gets ambushed in Manchester and saved by a person she doesn't know.
Rating & Warnings: PG-PG13(?) (the first part is LONG)

It's tradition! IF we don't go who's going to TP Mrs. Glazer's house? Who is going to help me set up the seasonal prank at Principl Wilkin's place? )

[ Open ]
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Who: Gloria Muñoz & James Proudstar
NPCs: ---
When: 25 October, 2008: Nighttime
Where: New York City, NY
What: Two days after the anti-mutant rally, James is still looking for a certain someone that he saw on a news report.
Rating: PG

Gloria. Glory. The woman he had thought he could grow to love, if given enough time. )
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WEEK 8: Saturday, October 25th - Venus & Wild Child [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kyle [WILD CHILD]
When: Saturday afternoon
Where: The woods behind the mansion
What: The two nature-lovers have a second encounter
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

...not that she, you know, had a big mushy crush on him or anything. )

[ Open ]
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Who: Chamber + OPEN
NPCs: Bartender
When: Saturday Evening, Week 8
Where: Dark Horse Pub, North Salem
What: Stalling whilst grabbing a pint
Rating & Warnings: PG13

A bit of liquid courage. )

[ Open ]
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Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Who: Surge, Pyro, and Open
When: Thursday, Week 8
Where: Mansion grounds
What: Nori going through withdraws and doesn't know what to do
Rating & Warnings: "PG13" and reference to drug use and possible language.

Open )
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Sunday, December 14th, 2008

Who: Wild Child, MasterMind
When: Tuesday 10PM, Week 8
Where: Brotherhood Camp
What: Kyle has a gift and a request
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

Bottle of wine, fruit of the vine, When you gonna lemme get sober? )

[ Closed ]
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Thursday, December 11th, 2008

[ Gravija, Mastermind, Wild Child, Gambit, Psych, Husk, & Professor X ]

Who: Gloria Munoz, Jason Wyngarde, Kyle Gibney, Remy Le Beau, Paige Guthrie, & Cordelia Frost; Brief appearance by Charles Xavier from afar; OTA Brotherhood.
NPCs: Crowds of people
When: Week Eight; Thursday Evening
Where: NYC: An Anti-Mutant Rally
What: After all the news reports from Vancouver and everything going on in the city, protesters have finally organized into a legal and permitted anti-mutant rally. Some of the Brotherhood members have gone to observe and break it up.
Rating: PG - Violence and probably slurs. Normal anti-mutant sentiment.

Only Good Mutie Iz a Dead 1! )

[ Open to Brotherhood members crasing a FoH rally ]
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Wednesday, December 10th, 2008

Who: Email to Professor Xavier, CCed to Emma Frost too
When: Monday, early morning before classes, week 8
Where: In the library on one of the computers there.
What: Basically letting Professor Xavier know of the Abuse that one of his staff members did to a new student upon their arrival
Rating & Warnings: G


[ Open to comment or response from either of the two it is directed to at their discretion ]
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Tuesday, December 9th, 2008

[ Frost, Hellion, Detox, Wisp, & DJ ]

Who: Emma Frost, Julian Keller, Rayne Blackmour, Fenyx Cobalt & Mark SheppardProfessor Charles Xavier.
NPCs: The people they meet on the trip; Other random students.
When: Week Eight: Friday, October 24th, 2008; Noon.
Where: Off Campus: A restaurant and a strip mall in the city.
What: Emma's Business Field Trip takes their lunch at a restaurant in the city where they are entirely welcome to start trouble as long as Emma doesn't have to clean it up.
Rating: PG
Notes: No posting order; First come, first served. It'll allow the thread to go quicker in case someone gets behind. -raises hand- Also, I skipped the first tour, but we could move into the second if anyone wants? I'm trying to make it easier for you trouble-makers to start trouble by doing it in public. Just let me know.

I'm a psion, remember? )

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Who: James Proudstar & Silas St. George
NPCs: ---
When: 21st October, 2008: Nighttime
Where: New York City, NY
What: James wants information.
Rating: PG-13

Sometimes, James wished he had telepathy. )
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Monday, December 8th, 2008

Who: Jay + OPEN
When: Monday, dusk, Week 8
Where: Basketball court
What: Shooting some hoops
Rating & Warnings: PG

Fact: Basketballs don't bounce as high in the cold weather.  )

[ Open ]
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Who: Melody Guthrie open to anyone
When: Evening, Sunday, Week 8
Where: Xavier Institute
What: Melody arrives.
Ratings & Warnings: TBD

It had been a long 20 hour bus ride )

[ Open ]
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