Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Who: Gavin, Rictor, Shy and Psylocke
When: Saturday, week 6, 9AM
Where: Xavior Manor
What: The runaway Gavin comes home to find Rictor asleep in his room
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

I believe it all is coming to an end, oh well, I guess we're gonna pretend. Let's see how far we've come! )
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Who: Shy, open
When: Friday, 6PM
Where: Xavior Manor, kitchen
What: Shy's sweet tooth is kicking in
Rating & Warnings: "G"

I cannot be your everything, but I'll be your candy man )

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for the attention of all telepaths, psychic type mutants

Who: Marauders
NPCs: The entire population of Vancouver.
When: Midnight in Vancouver, which is Pacific time. Saturday Week 6
Where: Vancouver, Canada
What: Vancouver gets erradicted from the face of the planet. Mod Plot
Rating & Warnings: " PG "

Bye Bye Vancouver )

[ Up to one and all if they wish to respond in anyway or not. ]
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Friday, November 21st, 2008

Who: Mark Sheppard
When: Week Six: Sunday; 3:00 AM
Where: Mark's (rather lascivious) room.
What: Mark receives a phone call...from his parents.
Rating: PG

It's four'o'clock in the bleedin' morning. Is everything ok? )
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WEEK 6: Thursday, October 9 - Venus & Saint [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Sly [SAINT]
When: Thursday afternoon
Where: Yindi's dormitory room
What: Yindi posted a note earlier in the week in hopes of finding a tutor. Though he has only just arrived to the school, Sly sees Yindi's note and goes in search of the needy student to possibly provide some tutoring services
Rating & Warnings: G

Yindi had left both the window and the door open as much as either could get. A cool, crisp breeze was pulled in and when it drifted out into the hall, brought the scent of a mixture of florals. )

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WEEK 6: Monday, VENUS

Who: Yindi [VENUS]
When: Monday morning, before breakfast
Where: Found on a couple message boards about school
What: Yindi needs a tutor and makes it known!
Rating & Warnings: G

I can pay in cash or cookies. )

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[ Gravija & Mastermind ]

Who: Gloria Munoz & Jason Wyngarde
When: Week Six: Saturday; Just before midnight.
Where: The Brotherhood's Headquarters
What: Glory returns from her mysterious month-long trip. Was she gone for personal reasons or was she actually taking care of business for the Master of Magnetism?
Rating: PG

Somebody finally bought the old place up on the hill and so the neighbors need not worry about that old house being empty anymore. )
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Thursday, November 20th, 2008

[ Frost & Rictor ]

Who: Emma Frost & Julio Richter
When: Week Six: Friday; 10 p.m.
Where: Xavier's: Front Hall
What: Emma returns from Europe, bags in hand.
Rating: PG

Hell if she was going to take the stairs with her baggage. )
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Who: Wild Child, MasterMind
When: Saturday, 7PM
Where: Outside the Brotherhood Camp
What: Two words: Cliff jumping.
Rating & Warnings: PG

Hit me, Hit me yeah, I'm real good at hating. Dive, dive, dive, Dive in me! )

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WEEK 6: Sunday, October 6 - Venus & Nightcrawler [FINISHED]

Who: Yindi [VENUS] & Kurt [NIGHTCRAWLER]
When: WEEK 6: Sunday, October 5th, after dinner
Where: Yindi's room, then probably back down to the medical ward
What: Yindi is trying to get caught up in her studies and is not doing so well; Kurt has not seen his student and young friend in some time and, not privvy to what had happened with her, sets out to find her
Rating & Warnings: G

She paused in her reading for a moment to set her book in her lap. The pads of her fingers pressed gently on her closed eyes and she gave them a rub. Unfortunately, when she opened her eyes again, all of her papers and books were still there. It was going to be a long night. )

[ OPEN ]
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Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Friday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events on the basketball courts.
What: Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: In The Future Day Event for the day: Tug-A-War Class Competition )

[ Open ]
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Who: Jack, Remy OT Kitty - Kurt
When: Tuesday early evening
Where: Xaveirs
What: Remy and Jack sneaking about - Jack and Kitty being caught being 'naughty' by Kurt
Rating & Warnings: "TBA" maybe mild smuttie stuff

twinkle twinkle little bat )

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Friday, November 21st, 2008

Who: Sabretooth
NPCs: Marauders, Undercover cop Charlie 'Charlotte' Burns
When: Tuesday early hours of the morning
Where: New York City
What: Brief meeting thing, Sabretooth off hunting (he has a thing about killing cops lately)
Rating & Warnings: "18" GORE/LANGUAGE WARNINGS

dead, dead, dead she's dead )

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Wednesday, November 19th, 2008

Who: Monet St. Croix, Sly and OPEN!
When: November 19th, afternoon.
Where: Xavier's Manor.
What: Monet fell asleep on the couch, and was greeted by some new.. person.
Rating & Warnings: TBA!

'Cus he wants to rendezvous with the new girl. . . We're sad and blue, yes it's true girl. . .  )

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Thursday, November 20th, 2008

Who: Sam Guthrie
NPCs: Storm kind of but with Chris permission
When: Wednesday before the blackbird leaves and arrives in Shy's post
Where: Xaviers
What: Sam arrives at the school
Rating & Warnings: "PG"

Trusty rusty old truck )

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Tuesday, November 18th, 2008

Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Thursday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events in the gardens.
What: Theme of the day: Egyptian Day Event for the day:Student vs. Teacher Competition - Blindfolded sundae eating contest
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: Egyptian Day Event for the day:Student vs. Teacher Competition - Blindfolded sundae eating contest )

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Sunday, November 16th, 2008

Who: Everyone at Xaviers
When: Wednesday all day, cleanup after classes to set up for next day too...
Where: Xaviers in the halls with decorations, and events in the gardens.
What: Theme of the day: Fifties Day Event for the day: Pumpkin Carving Contest
Rating & Warnings:g

Theme of the day: Fifties Day Event for the day: Pumpkin Carving Contest )

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Who: Rictor, Yindi
When: Tuesday, 4:45 PM
Where: Xavior Manor, courtyard
What: Rictor is bored
Rating & Warnings: PG

I'm bored, life it's not so fair. Nothing here and nothing there, I'm waiting constantly, it's not the way life's meant to be. )

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Friday, November 14th, 2008


Who: "Mysterious Lady"
NPCs: "Mysterious Lady"
When: Friday 10PM / Friday 1AM
Where: Apartment Downtown NY
What: News Report at 10PM / Actual happening
Rating & Warnings: R

Authorities find what is suspected to be... )

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Thursday, November 13th, 2008

Email to Xavier; Cc-ed to Senior Staff Members

To: "Charles Xavier" []
Cc: "Senior Staff" []
From: "E. Frost" []
Date: Week Six - Monday
Subject: My Apologies

My Dear Charles -  )
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